Roads, Traffic, Traffic Signals and stop lights.


New member
1) Roads, How do I make roads connect to each other making them look better. Look at this

I need to get the roads to connect so that it looks more real and better intersection.

2) Traffic Lights and Signals.
How would I add a traffic signals to this intersection.

3) Trainz lacks tutorials on this and including video tutorials. I can't believe that the i couldn't find any thing on youtube about this after viewing the 1st 20 pages. Does any one have or know of video tutorials on this. I'll keep looking my self.
There are various road intersections by various makers. There are the YARN and YARNNish intersections among the many, however, these do have some issues in T:ANE which are being addressed hopefully at some point. If you apply the fixes locally, which we can give you, you can get them working and they do work nicely. These, like their matching roads, don't float like thin strips of ribbons, which so many older types of roads do, and are thick enough to fill in voids too and lay down quite flat.

There are traffic lights, with the YARN and ish versions which will appear if you go through the parameters by hitting the ? on the screen, and there are standalone traffic lights as well by various makers.

Keep in mind that these do not stop the traffic and are for show only. If you want to go the route of actual stopping traffic, you need to setup road traffic as AI-driven trains. These will "drive" on tracks which are actually roads.

For your roads, as shown in your image, you can use the shift key and place the side road carefully so that it doesn't merge in and create those weird twists. The downside is the traffic will disappear when they reach the intersections instead of continuing on their journey. The best thing is to use this setup for distant roads, those you won't see anyway, and fixed intersections for close up where you want traffic to turn into intersections instead of disappearing.

I have never seen any tutorials on this. I suppose it's the nearly 14 years of Trainzing which has helped. Remember that splines such as roads work similar to the tracks so if you learned to use the shift-key on tracks, the action is the same.

Thanks John, I'll give that a try, and as for the updates. Do I need to download these from somewhere or did steam update them for me.

Peter, Thanks. Those tutorials would take me months to figure them out, and they are way too old and out dated. That's why I rather have video tutorials. Now only do they show you. They all so tell you what they are doing and how.
I've never gone into such detail on roads and the only video I can ever recall seeing on the subject was showing it off not how to put it all together. Hopefully someone who has perhaps modeled trams will pick it up. Peter
Use the ATLS Stoppers that you use for grade crossings. Use the ATLS traffic lights. You need to set the controller for 2 routes(I believe, it's been a while) instead of LCM for a 4 way intersection. Set one road as route 1 and the other as 2. I think you need 2 Slaves, one for each route but not positive. It's pretty sweet when set up right, all you need for traffic is just the regular old region of your choosing.
If something above is not quite right I'm going by memory here, which is pushin' it. And I'm probably not going to make a video about it.:hehe:
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