Roads Gone


Well-known member
Once again N3V has erased the streets on part of my route. No, I do not remember the name of the asset. I would like to rant but that is a waste and upsets some people. I just decided to hand draw streets with cobblestones. They were a popular pavement when I was young. My aunt built a house that had some cobblestones as decorative areas. Free cobbles as asphalt took over.

Installed cobblestones within a few minutes Very satisfied with the results. Let's see if the N3V software can delete these!
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I do not remember the name but the word FUNKY may have been part of it. They were grey roads appropriate for residential areas. The black (new asphalt) roads look odd going through residential areas. Our new asphalt road here took 2 years to become gray.
It developed, that making my own hand drawn roads look better. Probably cycles unfriendly.

Since the rationale for N3V's various actions remain a secret we may never know why some are taken. Regardless, deleting parts of Customer's routes is not very nice! It is a strange management practice that only breeds angst.
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That's not a bad idea. You can then add Yarn's or other's sidewalks to complete the scene. 👍
I have sidewalks in the downtown area. They have been deleted twice. We do not know if this is a bug or a rational decision by N3V... The Esopus addon by Approach Medium is the victim. It is merged with the Msgsapper Maine route.
Hi Boleyd, once again we have not deleted anything from your install, or done anything else to you.

If an asset has disappeared from your routes, or from the content lists, then the first thing to do is check for it in Content Manager.

If it is not listed, then this indicates that either you have deleted that asset (or a DLC pack that contains that asset), or the files for that asset have become corrupt/damaged and been removed during database maintenance, or your drive is losing data. The number of times you have reported this, and accused us of deleting data from your computer, makes me think this is likely either data corruption or data loss, unless you have deleted a DLC pack recently.

If it is listed in Content Manager, then you will need to check the status of the asset. If it's shown as faulty, then you will need to right click on it, and then click on 'view errors and warnings' to see why it may be faulty. If it shows no errors, then right click on the asset again and go to 'open...' then click on 'preview asset'. Then see if it loads; if it does then it should re-appear in-game. If it doesn't, then check the errors/warnings again.

Note that we are aware of some users seeing assets being incorrectly shown as faulty, unfortunately we have not yet been able to reproduce this reliably in-house to resolve it. If someone does find a reliable way to reproduce this, then please this to our bug report form using this link:


Note that we are aware of some users seeing assets being incorrectly shown as faulty, unfortunately we have not yet been able to reproduce this reliably in-house to resolve it. If someone does find a reliable way to reproduce this, then please this to our bug report form using this link:


Maybe the false status of particular asset is in relation with lazy CM's window status refresh, I am experiencing it much more often in TRS19 CM in comparison with TANE's one. Also icon of one of the CM windows on the Windows bottom task bar goes sometimes to the system (replacement) one.
Maybe the false status of particular asset is in relation with lazy CM's window status refresh, I am experiencing it much more often in TRS19 CM in comparison with TANE's one. Also icon of one of the CM windows on the Windows bottom task bar goes sometimes to the system (replacement) one.
I've gotten into the habit of refreshing by exiting the Faulty assets view and then going back in. Unfortunately, even though it's been mentioned here, not many people have read that and are reporting the problem.