Real railroad questions


New member
Hello, I do not know where i can answers to the following questions.

1. Detectors - What do they do and how do they tie into Real railroads.
2. How far apart are the mileage markers placed?(I see them every 10-15 miles)I do not see a standard distance.
3. Where can i find actual yard diagrams?

More to come thank you for your time.
George "theedge2k" Flatman
Ok, how come on maps and trainz i do not see them every 5280 feet?


Because Trainz is not the 'real' world, and wider mile marker spacing simply cuts down on Surveyor time.;)
Detectors are sensors which detect mechanical wear on wheels and bogeys, and relay the information via transponder to the engineer.
See HERE for some yard diagrams.
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2. How far apart are the mileage markers placed?(I see them every 10-15 miles) I do not see a standard distance.
3. Where can i find actual yard diagrams?
NSW railways every half kilometre (km)(1), with the numbers of kilometres shown every km.

Yard diagrams: It depends

1. 1 mile = 1.609344 kilometres exactly - I'll let others work it for once!

KEYWORD for US search:
Ok, how come on maps and trainz i do not see them every 5280 feet?

Large scale UK OS maps show both mile and sign posts where space permits, within tainz as an example Turks Castle has markers every quarter mile though these are set to the route length and not miles to London
Regards Bob V
Ok, how come on maps and trainz i do not see them every 5280 feet?
Track charts are where the railroads milage markers are usually indicated, but most Trainz routes are not done from track charts. My Morristown & Erie route was done from ME and DLW track charts and shows milage markers. I believe the Clovis Sub route has milage markers and I am sure there are some others. On the other hand, my Eastern Shore and The Loops routes, while prototype routes, were done without benefit of track charts and therefore have no milage markers. Sometimes we just get lazy.