Railwaves Content


Learning... slowly!
A while ago, someone mentioned in another thread that they could possibly make some of the old railwaves content available again if there was sufficient interest.

Is this still a possibility?
Railwaves had some excellent items, especially the Class 47's. I don't know why
they ceased trading or why they didn't hand the site over to someone else to carry on.
I certainly hope that someone will resurrect Railwaves.
Don't confuse Railwaves content with Snowsignal's content (such as the 47) which Railwaves also sold. I own the rights to the Railwaves produced content (Signz Pack, West Somerset Railway, Mk 1's) but they are unlikely to be available any time soon. Sales of the currently available items on my website don't come anywhere near the level to justify trading next year unless there is a radical turnround with the current EU VAT proposals on digital downloads.


Anthony -
Although I haven't actually bought from you yet, your content is extremely high quality. Don't take the site down because you're not making a significant profit, that's not what content creation is about. Try reducing prices a bit and spread a bit of publicity around the forum and the wider web. Some sort of major release of a widely recognized locomotive would drive up sales too.
Paul: No, the 56 was Snowsignals unfortunately.

nathanmallard: The site was never intended to make profit - any surplus generated would have been ploughed back into new models. Low sales (the last sale of any sort was in August) means slower development of new models. I've played with pricing - it makes (within reason) no odds - there are those who will buy payware, and the majority who won't.

I will be halting sales until a mininal cost, zero effort e-commerce solution to dealing with VAT on EU sales is available - I have more than enough to do running my business (www.rose-narrowboats.co.uk) without losing some of my limited free time acting as an unpaid tax collector for foreign governments.

Hi Anthony. Thanks for clarifying. I have to say I do have a high opinion of your own content - I haven't bought from you yet as the Hymek just isn't something that fits within my interests (which are more LMS/LNER steam or modern era), however I do buy payware and would gladly make a purchase to help out. I understand the EU ruling is a bigger issue for now and so one order isn't going to solve all your problems but if there is significant movement with this tax thing then I'd be happy to try and do my bit to help out.

Do you know if Snowsignal's content could be made available? I'm assuming Snowsignal is no longer active within trainz; would they be willing for their content to be distributed in return for fees?
Snowsignal's (Alan Thomson, Thomson Interactive) content was not really discussed when I bought the rights to the Railwaves content from Alan Williams as I got the impression that a deal would not be forthcoming. I also recall that a lot of Snowsignal's content was not that well received by the community when it was available; he has since moved on to Railworks and produced some outstanding content for that sim.


Okay, cheers.

I've got his 56s... if I wanted to reskin them for personal use do I have to seek permission?
...I also recall that a lot of Snowsignal's content was not that well received by the community when it was available...

I have quite a number of his items and they are very good and were certainly well ahead of the game at the time, in terms of scripted 'goodies'. I've lost the 56 at some stage along the way though, along with the signal and sign packs. As you say, I think it is more a case of there being those who are willing to pay for content and those who won't, regardless of what is available. I'm more than happy to pay for content as long as it is of a high enough standard to warrant payment. I have made purchases before which have quite frankly, been a rip off.
I think the class 56 was well appreciated, though it needs reskinning to improve the livery. It might be worth approaching Alan just to see if he is interested in selling the copyright. He can only say no!

Hi everybody.
~snip~ I'm more than happy to pay for content as long as it is of a high enough standard to warrant payment. I have made purchases before which have quite frankly, been a rip off. ~snip~

I have to agree with the pfx, as I have also found that a considerable percentage of the payware available for trainz is of abysmal quality and quite frankly a rip off.

Going back a few years I purchased a considerable amount of good quality content from Railwaves for my North Devon Route. Just before he closed his business I did speak to him on the telephone regarding payment method. At that time he stated that content creation for trainz produced little revenue and on that basis he had decided to “pack it in” and retire.

Sadly it would appear many other payware content creators seem to have abandoned or are in the process of abandoning content creation for trainz. I have just visited the Just Trains site where there is now little content for this simulator but plenty available for the “alternative simulator”. A few years ago the opposite was the norm on that site.

I cannot help but feel that N3V really need to pull something special out of the hat with T:ANE if payware creators are once again to show interest in trainz . That stated, reading the T:ANE section of this forum, the omens are not good for that at this point in time.

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Hi everybody.

I have to agree with the pfx, as I have also found that a considerable percentage of the payware available for trainz is of abysmal quality and quite frankly a rip off.


There is one payware content creator in particular who I won't name (not to be mysterious; simply because others may disagree and it's not my place to shred someone's business through a post like this) but whose products are frequently mentioned as being of a very good quality - yet when I look at the screenshots on their website, they look pretty much TRS04/06 standard to me, if that. To be quite honest I probably wouldn't even take them as freeware because when placed alongside the models of someone like Skipper1945 (obviously also freeware), Gary Price or CamScott for example, or when paired with stuff like the S&C coaches, they would look out of place.

As I've said, I won't name the site or drop any hints - I don't believe it's fair to, so please don't ask me to do so in this thread.

What the heck is Railwaves, anyway ?

To my understanding, it was an individual/website that provided good quality British payware, which has now shut down. Unfortunately, it was the only source for many of the models and they have since not been available by any other means - the Class 56 being an example; no one else has made one!
Perhaps we should do a community kickstarter to raise the money to buy the copyright for Alan's class 56! (just joking) ;)


I bought some of Snowsignal's stuff years ago,signals pack and the 56 very good quality at the time and good value for money.Hope payware has a place in TANE,with the same
build quality and 3d cabs we find in "other" sims.

I would be more than happy to spend the same if not more on payware for TANE than what I invested /spent on that other sim.Would love to see a payware 37 with 3d cab,working
switches,realistic engine smoke,heat haze,good physics,animated suspension like what we have now on some wagons in TANE,maybe oneday.........

Paul: No, the 56 was Snowsignals unfortunately.

nathanmallard: The site was never intended to make profit - any surplus generated would have been ploughed back into new models. Low sales (the last sale of any sort was in August) means slower development of new models. I've played with pricing - it makes (within reason) no odds - there are those who will buy payware, and the majority who won't.

I will be halting sales until a mininal cost, zero effort e-commerce solution to dealing with VAT on EU sales is available - I have more than enough to do running my business (www.rose-narrowboats.co.uk) without losing some of my limited free time acting as an unpaid tax collector for foreign governments.


Hi Anthony. Have a word with the chap who runs this web site: http://www.digitaltraction.co.uk/ as he found out from the customs & excise people a work around to the new rules (As far as I read it)!

While I support payware, I think freeware should be at the core of 3rd party content for Trainz, and I am not keen on tads1's suggestion that we should pay Railworks prices for things.