raildriver and CAB control HUD comparison ?


New member
Does someone know whether there is a big difference (in behavior) between RAILDRIVER and its software replication CAB CONTROL HUD ?
If there is really difference, I will consider buying Raildriver because it is as difficult for me to use the automatic brake with Cab Control Hub as it is with keyboard, especially when the grade of slopes varies quickly (Murchison M-log layout for example). And I am not a new comer. You have to apply brake the right amount of time (2.3 seconds and not 2.8 !), set on lap, wait and see the pressure rise and rise in the wheel cylinders, with increasing breaking force, which is finally too large, your train nearly goes to a stop, quickly you release the pressure, but the train still brakes to even lower speed until finally it takes up slowly speed, unless slope grade (that you do not know exactly unless you switch to Map view; you detect it only from unexpected behavior of your train) has already change !!!
I have come back for these reasons to DCC control, which is far from perfect (physical aberrations, see my other posts). One improvement for me could be that we can switch between both control kinds within a driving session (or Raildriver, depending on your advices). Another possibility would be to lower time of reaction of the brake, even if not real.

(CAB CONTROL HUD: Rule replicating elements from the popular RailDriver controller, the Cab Control HUD is an on-screen interface which allows users to control a train via the use of levers rather than the keyboard.)
The answer is oui!

8) Gi, the braking is easier to control, with RailDriver.

You also use the Throttle Control, for Dynamic Braking, and will use the Auto-Brake much less.

Using Cab Mode, with RD, you pay attention to the Ammeter, and when the needle drops, advance power, when the needle rises, wait until it drops to regulate your speed.

When the ammeter drops down, if your speed increases, your going downhill.

It's best to ride the route in Cab Mode AI Driver, until you "learn the road."
please, describe dynamic brake !

Thank you Backyard for help,

Is there an ammeter also if you do not drive an electric locomotive (I do not bother (too much) whether it is realistic or not) ?
What difference you make between dynamic and automatic brake (I have seen on wikipedia that dynamic brake is rheostatic brake on loco -- still electric loco reference) ? Is it as powerful as auto brake , or very less ? Is its action immediate ?
...it took awhile...

8)...but I found a comprehensive explanation of dynamic-electric braking...

From our own American favorite TrainzPro Routes by Euphod.

Dynamic braking, is a feature which can be included into any electric power driven function, (including newspaper presses, driven by electric motors to print drums, which act like flywheels and are subject to over-speed).

Electric, as well as Diesel-electric locomotives, may have the dynamic-electric brake, as an option.
raildriver ordered

Thanks to your answers, I have made several tests. Dynamic-electric braking is not available (in Trainz) for steam locomotives. Nevertheless, I tried again using CAB control HUD, and I found that automatic braking can be somehow progressive. In fact, with the keyboard, automatic braking throws directly to emergency braking, which explains my previous difficulties. Supposing that RailDriver will bring even more facilities than CAB control HUD, I have ordered one. (Since Trainz is the only game I play with on computer, and has replaced my HO layout, it is a reasonable expense, even if I get deceived!).
Ammeter does not exist too on steam machines, but I have found on this forum the possibility to know the slope with the rule: display custom HUD. It is much more convenient than going back and forth in MiniMap !
When I tests RailDriver, I will give my impressions.

8)...(smiling, with glasses).

Dynamic-electric braking, is only available, when electric power is present...

Steam locomotives, however, have the power available to hold the train back, on a steep hill...using the reverser...

Turning down the retainers on the cars in the train, was prevalent back when steam roamed the rails.

You can either communicate intricately with P.I. Engineering on the use of the RailDriver for steam locomotives, or ditch the prospect entirely, and use the manual controls, in the steam loco cab.

You have to consider all the aspects of handling a train, under steam power.

Many videos exist to do this...

You also have to have water, every 25 miles on a steam route, and coal-up, at whatever you tender can hold, to the next coaling tower, when you design the route.

Running steam power, in Auran TrainzSimulator, is fully realized, but you must do your homework!

And...as far as steam is concerned, forget the Diesel desktop, unless you configure it to do this...that's not impossible.

I have RailDriver, between my keyboard, and monitor(unless I'm running Diesel-electric locomotives), and consider it the Mother of All Game Controllers!

An aside...I run BIG steam power, which does not run out of supplies, between my jobs, in TRS.