Rail Simulator Pro (RSP)


New member
Rail Simulator Pro (RSP), a full prototypical-driving simulator

will we ever see the following changes to the game and more at source, which was promised by auran ????.

RSP will include full dispatcher capabilities, prototypical signalling (that is fully customisable by country) and even allow online play. I noted with some interest recently on the Auran forums that some 'hard core' proto guys showed little interest in online play, yet oddly enough it's one of the most requested features of the many railroad companies we've been talking to. They see online as an opportunity to place drivers in a 'real traffic' environment (as they put it) and one that can only help improve driver safety. However, if you'd rather play standalone you certainly can.
The dispatcher system communicates to the main game (or games in a multiplayer environment) via TCPIP so yes, you've guessed it, the person acting as a dispatcher can be located anywhere in the world.

Driver AI is being fully overhauled in RSP and is being broken into two unique components. Drivers will no longer attempt to path plan, they just drive and follow signals as required. Therefore, the AI functions for drivers have actually been reduced in complexity from that present in TRS2004. Since RSP includes full route planning both the signalling system and dispatcher can refer to the planned routes and act accordingly. The other area that AI will now be operational is when you don't have a human acting as dispatcher. In this instance the AI will take over and resolve route conflicts within bounds set during the route-planning phase. This two-tier approach to AI will resolve most of the outstanding issues with AI.

The scripting system that is present in TSR2004 will be fully replaced in RSP with a C++ API based system and Auran will supply headers that provide access to most of the internal game functions. Programmers are going to have a ball with RSP and you're going to be able to some amazing things!
Those of you who like to populate your routes with more than just trains, for example ships and cars, will also be catered for. Like TRS2004, RSP supports invisible track and you'll be able to place boats and cars on it. However, unlike TRS2004, RSP boats will follow the track but not be attached to it. Instead, they float above it based on various parameters, two of which are 'sea state' and 'tide height'. Boats and cars can now have intersections, and traffic flow can move from one track to another.

The track system itself is also getting a major overhaul and is moving to a Bezier curve based system. Those of you who are familiar with products like Corel Draw will already know how this works. In essence when RSP is operating in 'simple' track laying mode it will appear just like TRS2004. However, hold down the 'Control' key and you'll have access to the Bezier handles that will allow fine control of the curve radius. Additionally, you'll have complete control over ballast types, track type, and best of all, super elevation. Because of all of these changes people who like Traction, Trams or Monorails are in for a real treat, as all of them are possible.

Physics is one area that will be very different indeed. RSP will allow programmers to write individual .DLL physics files for each and every loco. These individual loco physics programs can sit alongside the inbuilt (default physics) system and will happily coexist. In other words, if you have a certain steam loco that spins its wheels differently, or a rack and pinion rail motor that requires some unique handling, then you can load up a full physics system for each. All other locos that are present on the same route can continue to use the inbuilt system whilst the other locos use their own specific systems.

The final major area is of course sound. Every track type and bogie combination will be able to have their own unique sounds, and they will be calculated per axle and tied to rail based events.

source: www.auran.com/TRS2004/future.htm
What is the point of digging up ~6 year old announcements for product ideas that have obviously been discarded by a company that has essentially be completely reinvented in the time since?
If you donate to Auran the sum of 15 Million dollars, I am sure we will see Rail Sim Pro in the next 5-10 years.

If you donate to Auran the sum of 15 Million dollars, I am sure we will see Rail Sim Pro in the next 5-10 years.
Unless they throw it at another "Fury" type project! :eek: (ahem)

Seriously, that post is so old.
There have been several "Future of Trainz" posts over the years, all by different "bosses", and none of them have even come close to becoming reality.

Even the latest one about TS2009EE didn't happen!

If you want to shape the future of Trainz then buy TS2010 to support them, and get over to the suggestions forum and post what you'd like to see in future versions of the game.

I suggest taking some of the more interesting ideas from this post and putting them over in the suggestion forum. There are a lot of things in here that made it into TS2010 such as the better AI pathing, although it is still path-based. The physics model has been including since TRS2006, and now there is hardware to support that so if Aurn wanted, they could easily put in calls the PhysX chipset that is now on many video cards, or emulated in software.

We have to remember that a lot has changed in the structure of the company. This was back when John and Greg were at the helm. These two guys had their hands, for the most part in the early days, right in the works, and also had the enthusiasm for new ides for this product. Now that Auran is yet another division of some corporate entity, things are different. The corporate hogs are not interested in a future as we would like it. They are more interested in future profits and what will feed the bottom line. Unfortunately this thinking comes at the expense of lots of good employees, and a large R&D budget. Auran today is a totally different company than it was 4 years ago. As companies grow and mature, they go from an R&D company, managed directly by the owner and founder, to one that is handled by a management team. The founder usually goes on to newer projects that will keep the company going, and it's the responsibility of the management team and underlings to do the work. It's at this point that companies change, and usually when additional capital is brought in using outside stock offerings, bank loands, and other forms of financing. It's also at this point too that the owner no longer has full control of the company, and usually the new financier puts someone else at the helm. During this time, the company usually goes from strictly R&D to supporting the built products. There is less money now spent on the R&D and more spent on selling and supporting what they have. Auran now is in the latter stages of this company's lifecycle.

We also have to remember that computer hardware has also gotten substantially faster and more complex since then. Consumer-grade processors back then weren't multi-threaded, and the ones that were capable were very expensive. The operating systems too weren't as efficient as they are now. Yes we're still going to see old stuff around for quite some time, but we're talking about the current technology. Heck I ran into a Windows ME machine on Friday, which is going in 12 years old! Video cards too were pretty paltry too compared to what we have now. So keeping this in mind, present some of these, most likely these forgotten things over in the suggestion forum. Perhaps the development team can take some of them into account and incorporate them into future releases of Trainz.
