Question about Paulz Trainz Site?


New member
Hi everyone, I just bought the AC-11 Cab forward form Paulz Trainz. How long does it usually take for the items to be sent to you?:confused: Also I wanted to know if anyone had is AC-12 Cab Forward as that is the one I originally wanted to get.:(

Thanks in advance, :)
I have the following AC11 & AC12 locos in TRS-2006. The mid loco sections with my user ID (214940) are clones of the originals. I don't know why I cloned those but I assume it was to fix some problem with them in 2006. I also assume I backdated the later ones from some build above 2.6 since I reset the build to 2.5. I usually do this when I backdate content for use in TRS-2006 that have build numbers above 2.6. Those listed with numbers of 4265 or lower are older (Trainz Build 2) locos and lack much of the piping details of the later models. If they are even available I would not recommend those. I have TS-2010 but never installed these in 2010. Just to see how they worked in 2010 I transferred #4294 over into 2010 tonight. It worked fine with the following comments. Some of the piping details on the boiler disappears as you zoom away from the loco and the engine sounds and whistle were noticably lounder on the right (engineers) side of the loco than on the left side. I'm not sure why that would be. I'd recommend them even if you have the same issues I noted above since they look good and run well and I don't know where else you'd find decent (or any) cabforwards these days.

SE-SP #4276 AC12 Cabforward Loco W,<kuid:177548:998342769>
SE-SP #4276 AC12 Cabforward Mid Loco W,<kuid:214940:3470>
SE-SP #4276 AC12 Cabforward Tender W,<kuid:177548:1394208177>
SE-SP #4288 AC12 Cabforward Loco W,<kuid:177548:998342889>
SE-SP #4288 AC12 Cabforward Mid Loco W,<kuid:214940:3471>
SE-SP #4288 AC12 Cabforward Tender W,<kuid:177548:1394208297>
SE-SP #4294 AC12 Cabforward Loco W,<kuid:177548:998342949>
SE-SP #4294 AC12 Cabforward Mid Loco W,<kuid:214940:3469>
SE-SP #4294 AC12 Cabforward Tender W,<kuid:177548:1394208357>

SE-SP #4268 AC11 Cabforward Tender W,<kuid:177548:1394208097>
SE-SP #4268 AC11 Cabforward Mid Loco W,<kuid:177548:9983119>
SE-SP #4268 AC11 Cabforward Loco W,<kuid:177548:998342689>

SE-SP #4265 AC11 Cabforward Loco,<kuid:177548:987742652>
SE-SP #4260 AC11 Cabforward Loco,<kuid:177548:987742602>
SE-SP #4250 AC11 Cabforward Tender Brass,<kuid:177548:987842504>
SE-SP #4250 AC11 Cabforward Loco Brass,<kuid:177548:987742503>
SE-SP #4248 AC11 Cabforward Loco,<kuid:177548:987742482>
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Thanks Torino, as I reply to you I have just received the AC-11 Cabforward I bought from Paulz Trainz

Thanks to all who helped :)
I have the following AC11 & AC12 locos in TRS-2006. The mid loco sections with my user ID (214940) are clones of the originals. I don't know why I cloned those but I assume it was to fix some problem with them in 2006. I also assume I backdated the later ones from some build above 2.6 since I reset the build to 2.5. I usually do this when I backdate content for use in TRS-2006 that have build numbers above 2.6. Those listed with numbers of 4265 or lower are older (Trainz Build 2) locos and lack much of the piping details of the later models. If they are even available I would not recommend those. I have TS-2010 but never installed these in 2010. Just to see how they worked in 2010 I transferred #4294 over into 2010 tonight. It worked fine with the following comments. Some of the piping details on the boiler disappears as you zoom away from the loco and the engine sounds and whistle were noticably lounder on the right (engineers) side of the loco than on the left side. I'm not sure why that would be. I'd recommend them even if you have the same issues I noted above since they look good and run well and I don't know where else you'd find decent.....p2>
The piping going away might be intentional, if the asset has LOD.
No matter what search engine i use I still cannot get Paulz Trainz. All that is shown is that it is not available??
Thought I had succeeded when I tried a search for the site and got several sites with individual pages and one in one I moved to a more general page of items but as soon as I tried to go into each one got the same old frustrating negative. In fact I only got into one BR item. Bit of a groan.
I myself found something unusual: when I'm at the University of Arizona, the site works. But so far, anywhere else, it doesn't. I wonder why that is?
I myself found something unusual: when I'm at the University of Arizona, the site works. But so far, anywhere else, it doesn't. I wonder why that is?

There are many reasons including a different PC with a different router and firewall among other things.

One explanation may be that the domain (myenet), or even perhaps the subdomain are listed on one or more DNSBL's. There are several, and they are not all identical, so that one serverr operator might make use of one, and another server operator might make use of a different one which blacklists a different set of domains and subdomains. Since they are operated at the server level, in one case, you might be able to connect with a given device, and in another you might not be able to connect with that same device.

I'd expect a University might have a smaller list of blacklisted domains than commercial servers.
