
Just tried Chrome and Brave. Both accessed the site just fine - although both warned the site was unsafe. Firefox went there as well, but also warned.

Works fine in Edge. It gets labeled as unsafe because it is not using https with newer certificates and encryptions. Any browser will warn of unsafe, but should allow you to proceed intentionally. Oddly, edge did not even warn me, it just went there fine.
This site opens perfectly on Firefox. You need "http" at the beginning of the address, not ''https". This is the correct link:


How to stop an automatic redirect from “http://” to “https://” in Chrome

Chrome has an allowlist of sites that can use insecure content (http).
Go to chrome://settings/content/insecureContent
and you can add sites to the list named Allowed to show insecure content.
How would you do that on MS Edge?
Worked for me today, by typing in ONLY ""

Anything else redirects, in all 3 of my Browsers. MS Edge redirects any form of the URL.