Purchased Routes dissapeared.


Grouchy Old Geezer
Had something interesting happen this morning. All my purchased routes that I had installed in 2022 along with their clones were gone. This included C.O Hinton, Coal Country and Tidewater. They are listed in the route menu, but the only option is to download.
I even checked the Content Manager and they are truly gone. At first I thought it was the cloning issue, but Coal Country, I hadn't touched, besides 2022 gives you the option to clone. Lost a lot a work in the clones, so it's a bit annoying. Before I re download, has anyone else had this issue?
My built-in routes appear fine here.

Check in Content Manager, if they show Payware, not active then there's something else going on which would mean something's up with your account, payment or server connection.
Check your TRS22 local data folder (path in Trainz Settings > Install tab). I suspect you'll find you have more than one folder there (named build xxxxxx). Point to the original folder and restart Trainz.
Thanks for the suggestions, but no deal. Re downloaded the routes and then used the backup folders, so all was not lost. Been using Trainz since dinosaurs roamed the earth, so I guess I was long overdue for something like this.