Progressive Meshes


New member
Is there a way of "clamping" progressive meshes? By this, I mean prevent them from clipping the polys?

Most people's computers (though by no means everyone's) can easily handle the amount of detail found on the older models, yet TRS continues to cut back to save the frames.

It would be nice to run some of Pikka's Mk2s in the same shape they were in real life. :)

I think the .pm mesh reduction is hard coded into Trainz. That's why the .im and LOD were implemented to give the users control over mesh reductions.

The best way to do this is to change the .PM file into an .IM file.

The man you want to speak to is Xanax.
He has already mentioned that it's easy enough to do in another thread, offering to write a program to do it, so you could contact him and ask.
He did share the method of altering the file to change its format with me a while back, so theoretically I could write a program to do it, but he knows these files inside out, so he'd be the best bet.

I haven't spoken to Richard for a few weeks now, and I know he can be very busy with that thing called life, but he might be able to put something together if he has the time.

The trouble is that this isn't my computer, so I don't really want to install any extra programs (I know that sounds a bit weedy, but never mind). With the standard of new creations far exceeding that of the old, there's only pikka's Mk2 stock I really want to replace, but unless there's an easy fix (ie config script change) I'll just make do.

Thanks for trying to help though. :)


EDIT: as a side though, could the original gmax files be exported into .im format, even if they were originally exported as .pm? Obviously I couldn't fix that myself (not got GMax, not got source files), but is the thought possible?
...EDIT: as a side though, could the original gmax files be exported into .im format, even if they were originally exported as .pm? Obviously I couldn't fix that myself (not got GMax, not got source files), but is the thought possible?


As a follow up question, are we likely to be hearing from Pikkabird in the near future? I don't want to email him because it seems impolite (having never spoken, then asking for a very particular request), but on the other hand it would be nice to see Mk2s displayed unclipped in TRS.

As far as I know, he hasn't been on here since the forum crash, and rarely visits UKTrainz either.
I've never noticed this clipping effect on locos that use PM files... Is it the same effect that can be changed with the 'polygon count' setting in the TRS graphics menu? If so, there may be a way to change it outside of the game itself... I know the draw distance setting is editable.

I last saw pikka on #trainz a couple of weeks ago (it's very rare to see him there too). He said he is ignoring TRS related emails.
Is there a way of "clamping" progressive meshes? By this, I mean prevent them from clipping the polys?

Most people's computers (though by no means everyone's) can easily handle the amount of detail found on the older models, yet TRS continues to cut back to save the frames.

It would be nice to run some of Pikka's Mk2s in the same shape they were in real life. :)


If you turn your "Train Poly Count" slider all the way up you can reduce the poly clipping on a pm file however it all depends on how it was modeled. A correctly modeled loco has a noticeable difference in poly clipping compared to a poorly modeled loco. Also Auran provided us with a mesh weight modifier for pm which allowed us to control where poly clipping occurred but you need the original mesh for that to work.

