problems saving


New member
Am hoping someone can help with this. Edited one of the existing senarios and added afew extra bits of track and buildings. Clicked the driver icon and play it and it asked me to save. Did that, played the game for an hour then exited.

This morning decided to go back to it and the saved work is no where to be found. any one got any ideas?

Many thanks
What version of Trainz are you running?

TRS04 - it's gone, you can't save Driver sessions.

TRS06 - on the Driver menu page there is a 'Saved Sessions' button lower left of the page.

TC - no idea, but I would assume as per TRS06.

Andy :)
04 sessions are saved in the profile folder. When you did the save what did you name the saved map? If you alter any route and save, it will save under a new name and your own kuid likewise the session attached to it. Look in the custom maps folder to see if you have a new map and note the name. You may also find that the kuid given to the map may be one you have used already so you may need to change it in the config file. This also applies to the session and the map reference in the session config.
Thanks for the help


I am using Railway Simulator 2006. this problem is driving me mad, I create a good layout "save" it then when i come back to the game its disapeared!

shame as its spoiling a great game
woa Superraven - are your problems related to saving a map or a session? Your first post implies a session, but the last implies a map....

Andy :)
I find it happens on windows vista as it doesn't keep saved data after you quit the program I solved it by geting "Trainz Railway Simulator" which is just like TRS06 suitable for vista. Mine cost £9.99 less the I paid for the orignal virson.

I hope this helps.