problem with the MSI 8800GT


gettin bored of trainz
ive got a problem with my 8800GT. i currently just removed my 8600GT nad un-installed all the drivers
for it and then i out in my MSI NX8800GT and then out in the 6-PIN PCI-E connecter and when i put in my moniter to the video card no screen shows really worried.what do i do? im running

motherboard=ASUS A8V SE
450 watt power supply
1GB DDR 400
AMD athlon64 3800+

Could be power supply that card needs about 400w thats cutting it close.
My card only works if the monitoris plugged in one port but not the other on the card.

ive got a problem with my 8800GT. i currently just removed my 8600GT nad un-installed all the drivers
for it and then i out in my MSI NX8800GT and then out in the 6-PIN PCI-E connecter and when i put in my moniter to the video card no screen shows really worried.what do i do? im running

motherboard=ASUS A8V SE
450 watt power supply
1GB DDR 400
AMD athlon64 3800+


The power supply is fine. Honestly, you probably got a DOA card. MSI is known more for their crappy motherboards than their really bad video cards. MSI in general is not a really high performance brand, since it's just another Taiwanese mass-manufacturer. They're looking more for quantity not quality.

Look for brands like XFX, BFG, EVGA, PNY Technologies... Especially if you're going with the 8800 series cards.
The power supply is fine. Honestly, you probably got a DOA card. MSI is known more for their crappy motherboards than their really bad video cards. MSI in general is not a really high performance brand, since it's just another Taiwanese mass-manufacturer. They're looking more for quantity not quality.

Look for brands like XFX, BFG, EVGA, PNY Technologies... Especially if you're going with the 8800 series cards.
whats DOA?
Well I would have the card returned, and get another one of a different brand if you can. See if it's the card, or if it's the PCI-e slot. How old is the board?
Well I would have the card returned, and get another one of a different brand if you can. See if it's the card, or if it's the PCI-e slot. How old is the board?
i called then they said there is a problem with the DVI output so there is no disply.send it back to us so they could fix it. guess ill send it back.
wow. a dream will have to wait:'(
MSI. They make cheap stuff. As posted before, always go for recognised quality brands such as XFX, inno3D etc
well actually called ASUS they said with all the stuff in your PC it drains the wattage to about 375 they said you should upgrade to a 600-650 watt power supply.
sigh might as well jump into this now........
NYCboy: ASUS has you on the right track, depending on your setup you might very well need a 600-650W PSU, but as NickyVeee stated you could POSSIBLY have a dead card, but it would be wiser to upgrade the PSU anyways, because despite what card you get as a replacement, if it's as powerful or more powerful than the 8800 GT you WILL need a better PSU.

Collinsl: It all depends on the manufacture of the PSU. Antec is a great example. While their PSU's are rated at say 430W, it actually puts out quite a bit more. A cheap PSU that comes with a pre-built machine however, is built to minimum specs and will not handle additional loads beyond basically what came with the computer (IE CPU, small mobo, 1 HDD, 1-2 CD/DVD drives)

NickyVeee and Collinsl: Sorry but I wouldn't go calling MSI a lousy brand name when you are naming 3rd tier companies yourself. ASUS, ABIT, MSI, Gigabyte, BFG, ATI, XFX, EVGA, are all good tier 1 brand names.
Inno3D, PNY are at best tier 2 companies, they come nowhere close to the quality that MSI and the others have put out for years.
I'm running fine on a 500W PSU with an 8800GT
well is it a standerd clock one? i got the OC edition with a BIG fan so maybe it takes up more power here's a pic of my one.
NickyVeee and Collinsl: Sorry but I wouldn't go calling MSI a lousy brand name when you are naming 3rd tier companies yourself. ASUS, ABIT, MSI, Gigabyte, BFG, ATI, XFX, EVGA, are all good tier 1 brand names.
Inno3D, PNY are at best tier 2 companies, they come nowhere close to the quality that MSI and the others have put out for years.

Wait I don't get it. So I'm listing 3rd tier companies, when the companies you listed (that I listed as well) you claim to be 1st tier brand names?

The only reason I'm calling MSI a lousy brand name is because almost every product I buy them goes bad after a month or two, and I know a lot of people that stay away from them for the same problem.
Personally I would not call MSI a "top" brand, but then I would not call them a "bad" brand either, all the dealings that I have had with MSI in the past have been good.

The main difference with MSI is that you will pay more for thier products, I have a MSI graphics card and a MSI motherboard that both run well without any problems after over 2 years of use.

The only thing with MSI that I have seen is that sometimes it is hard to get the drivers right, especially with the motherboard.
For any system builder they rate up there with the rest of them. They, like any other company can be a bit more expensive, but then again ASUS is way off the charts in that area, but like anything you pay for the name (and usually the quality).

Drivers have been an issue for what seems like every company now. Nvidia's 8800 series drivers were a wreck for quite a while, ATI drivers work but are quite in-effcient, DFI, ABIT, ASUS, MSI, HP, Compaq (don't even start on them), Dell. Everyone has issues with getting/providing drivers.

Nicky: You got you are listing 3rd Tier companies.
But lets break it down and keep it simple.
Look for brands like XFX, BFG, EVGA, PNY Technologies
XFX = Good Tier 1 company
BFG = Good Tier 1 company
EVGA = Good Tier 1 company
PNY = Decent Tier 3 company (hovers in that gray area between tier 2 and 3)
I'm sorry that just can't be made any simpler.
I have been buying XFX video cards because of the double lifetime warranty. All you have to do is register the card within 30 days of purchase and you have a lifetime warranty and if you sell it to someone else, you can transfer the warranty to them.