Probem with VR Goulburn Murray Lines v2.0 Layout


Recovering RBR Addict
hi there i downloaded VR Goulburn Murray Lines v2.0 last night & tryed to drive a train on it but foundout its got a lot of missing content that cant be found on the DLS

here is a link here ----> <---- to the list of missing items & have no clue where to go to find any of these's items

all of them are listed as unkown & not to sure if its bulitin content from TS12 or if its payware they used that i dont have installed

any help with how to get this fixed will be most greatfull
Hi Trainzbuff20 this link may help to find what you are looking for.
The route was built in TANE, so there is nothing that came from TS12 that isn't in TANE. A fair bit of TUME assets were used which will show up as payware, but is included in TANE Deluxe and collectors editions and you should already have that according to your timeline. The other missing deps are mainly from JR, Trainz premium routes, Trainz Italia and Australian Trainz Division. Once you get these sorted, look for "VR" locos and rolling stock on the DLS, there's a very good selection and mostly VR broad gauge. If you are searching on TKI try to avoid going to Russian sites for downloads as they can sometimes have ransomware issues. Nothing on the route is sourced from a Russian website.
I hope you enjoy running the route
Graeme looks like a database of some type & spent 1-2 Hrs going around in circles & getting no were fast ..... only thing i've been able to do is find out what they are but have no clue how to get them

i have the Collectors Edition of t:ane but since i did the update to SP1 i have no clue what version i have now & have no clue how to check what version of T;NE i have now
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On the trainzkuidindex site, click on the link on the right which takes you to the assets download page. I forgot to mention that you will need to register for free with Trainz Italia to see the freeware downloads. I have provided some links in the post quoted above in post 12.
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Anything on Jointed Rail, including freeware, requires an account. Once you have created your account, you should be able to then search for the content and possibly link to in the TKI, or you can go to Jointed Rail directly and search for the content there. There are lots of buildings and nice track, signals, and other stuff you may find as part of your route.

i did that & had no idea where to find anything not a user friendly site ( might be for some people ) but had a hard time trying to find anything but the pictures they do are really nice even the pics of the locos & rolling stock they do it looks so real ( like you had pick it up )
I have had no problems driving the route without the missing content.
Sure there are some blank spots without textures, I just drive through, I know why there are blanks. The critical stuff like track all works.
I have no problem with the jointed rail and other assets, they are great quality freeware (I had a lot of them in TS12) and I understand why content creators don't use the DLS. I just prefer not to have those assets here and inadvertently use them for something I might eventually upload. I did ask N3V at one stage if the surveyor content selection menus could show different coloured for included content, DLS content, 3rd party content as well as faulty content so I would know what not to use in something I wanted to share. No answer of course.
So if you cant find the missing content just keep driving.
It is a really well made route
I did ask N3V at one stage if the surveyor content selection menus could show different coloured for included content, DLS content, 3rd party content as well as faulty content so I would know what not to use in something I wanted to share. No answer of course.


I had asked for the same ages ago too, Tom.

They sort of kind of gave us that with the show KUIDs in Surveyor. Red is our content, with Yellow built-in, and Blue external. I think that's the colors. I don't think about it anymore unless I'm look for something specific. :)
