Print Map


New member
Now I really feel dumb. Someone suggested that if I wanted a Block layout I could print the Mini-Map in Surveyor or the Map view in Driver.

For the life of me I cannot figure out how to print these maps. Please take a 2x4 upside my head and help me do this.

John Doe (Tom Bauman)
Map View

Hi Tom,

Not sure about the minimap but in driver you can get a screenshot in mapview. First hit "M" to go to map view, then zoom in or out to get what you want. Click the small map options icon top left of screen and select what you want shown. Then hit F5 to clear the screen of the command line etc. then press "Print Screen" The screenshot will be listed under a number in your screenshots directory.

Hope this helps,

PS. In this country it's a 4x2 not a 2x4

Hi All,

You gotta remeber we oldies don't naturally think metric.

It's still a 4 x 2 to me

You can also use TrainzMap to print a track diagram :)

Nowadays the 2x4 has shrunk to a 1 3/4 x 3 1/2 or so size ;)

Actually a 2 x 4 is 1-1/2" x 3-1/2" in the USA. The 2 x 4 is the rough dimension before milling and dressing. It used to be 1-3/4" x 3-3/4" until sometime in the 1970's (I believe). Sorry to all of you metrics out there, but the whole metric thing just doesn't register in my brain very easily. I understand it, I just don't like it.
[SIZE=-1]I[/SIZE]t's like I've always said: 'You can get more with a kind word and a two-by-four than you can with just a kind word.

Now where have I heard that before? :) - John
Wow! What have I started here? Guess we all need a little fun.

Bill69 was right on with ho to do this. I have not used the PrtScr key since my DOS days. To you young guys that BW (before Windows).

That forced me to look further to make using Print Screen more user friendly. I found a FREE download which makes this a breeze. You can route the output to a file or your printer or both. It allows you to print the entire screen or crop an area. Great tool and it's FREE.

It's called Gadwin PrintScreen and I found it at

Also, I agree with Bill69....a 2x4 is a 2x4 no matter how large, or small, it is.

Have a great day!
I use a program called 'HardCopy'. It has a million functions but best of all it will throw the picture into Word, Excel, PowerPoint or anything else without saving it anywhere (unless you want it to). A lifesaver when writing tutorials and I use it all the time at work. Shareware though.
