

Can somebody help me with portals? There to small when the trains drive into them they wreck .
And how do you park a train in the portal? I would like to have 9 or 10 trains a day just run down the main line and start over the next day
Alright when your using the portal do you just drive it in or do you give it any particular commands. when i normally use the portals i use the Drive To Command and select the name or number of the portal. unless there is a track issue they normally drive in without a hitch.

regarding the the time issue you speak of you can during the setting up in surveyor adjust the time limit it will take before the trains return. also you can adjust the loading or unloading of the train through the portal as well. its just a case of experimenting. if your wondering how to change the properties of the portal you need to select the "?" and have the portal in map selected, and a screen will appear allowing you to adjust the settings.

hope this helps you


When starting the route i have 10 northbound and 10 southbound and a small yard.How do i hide all the trains in the portals? Do i need 10 portals 1 for each or can the portal hide the trains intel its trigered (hope i spelled that wright )
i have attached a pictures here hope you can follow it. the properties of the portal is laid out as follows. refer to picture. see the line with the box and the tick in it. it says train returns after 1minutes delay. normally this is set at 5 minutes as a default. you can adjust that time by clicking on it.

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another small box will appear and you type in the time period you wish to use but it has to be in minutes. the maximum you can set is 6000 real minutes. once you select that you click the ok option and close it down then save your map. regarding portals you should only need 1 it holds a few trains.

i hope this helps


if your using the short portal change it to basic portal I've read it has problems.basics take decent length trains without needing extra track at the exit If you have 2 portals, north+south you can have trains go in one +out the other. So if you only want 10 trains per day each direction set the portal to emit train after 144 minutes.
Can somebody help me with portals? There to small when the trains drive into them they wreck .
And how do you park a train in the portal? I would like to have 9 or 10 trains a day just run down the main line and start over the next day

You don't "park" the trains in the portals. This seems to be your most severe misunderstanding. The Portals will produce a train....out of thin air....when you program them to do so. You may set the parameters of the Portals operation when you are in scenery mode in Surveyor. Click on the "?" button and then on the portal itself once you have installed it on your route. Thus begins the programing. You need to choose what the train will be made up of as far as the locos and rolling stock, which direction they will face, how often they will be emitted, if they will have driver, and what the driver's orders will be, and a few other options. I suggest you find the manual documents in the program itself.
