Portals / Tunnels


New member
I’m continuing the work on my layout and have decided to add some portals at each end. I’ve done a search of the forum and couldn’t find the answer to my question.

Once of the portals in 2006 looks like a tunnel, which gave me the idea to use it as a tunnel thru a mountain. However when I place the portal and build up the terrain around it the portal gets filled in.

Is there a way to use a portal as a tunnel?

I can't remember if the Portal can be height adjusted now or not, i'll check into it and report back a little later.

Some objects can be height adjusted, so as you lift the ground/terrain around the Portal it moves up with it, but there is a button along the bottom of the Objects tab called Adjust Object Height. Click on the button then click on the Portal and move your mouse up and down, a number will be displayed to show you how high or low the object is.

Like I said, can't remember if you can or can't, i'll check into it... :)

Edit: Ok I checked into this, the Portal doesn't allow height adjustment, when you are adjusting the ground/terrain near the Portal don't go anywhere near the Portal Entrance (the front, where you attach the track). This way the Portal doesn't look like its 'filled in', but Portals are one of those things, try to 'hide' it if you can, like behind a mountain for example.

Hope this helps... :)
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Once of the portals in 2006 looks like a tunnel, which gave me the idea to use it as a tunnel thru a mountain.

You cannot use aportal as a tunnel through a mountain. A Portal accepts and emits trains from only one end.

Regards, John
That's what I had in mind Mr Jingles.

Didn't think about putting the portal in a tunnel. What a great idea. I'll give it a shot. Thanks.