Hi Trainz community, I'm TS12 49922, I'm working in surveyor to get this to work.
I am currently doing some automated sessions for my Bakersfield Sub in which real trains I've recorded and modeled in trainz come from a portal, stage, wait for the train leaving the single main to exit thru a portal in which he hits a trigger that starts the waiting train and he hits a trigger to switch the track. This does work! BUT, when the next trainz arrive the triggers on the sidings go dead. Well the ones to ie. TRIGGER RULE-SWITCH JUNCTIONS. hmmmmmm.
I've even tried to use a ATLS Trigger/Controller/Slave with a little invisible track and placing the trigger on it. hmmmmm? should work like the crossing gates but I just don't know? I even tried ORDERED LIST-TRIGGER RULE-SWITCH JUNCTIONS-REPEAT LIST. If you know how to get triggers to work more then once please help, I would like to upload these to complement my route.
Thank you Trainz Community.
I am currently doing some automated sessions for my Bakersfield Sub in which real trains I've recorded and modeled in trainz come from a portal, stage, wait for the train leaving the single main to exit thru a portal in which he hits a trigger that starts the waiting train and he hits a trigger to switch the track. This does work! BUT, when the next trainz arrive the triggers on the sidings go dead. Well the ones to ie. TRIGGER RULE-SWITCH JUNCTIONS. hmmmmmm.
I've even tried to use a ATLS Trigger/Controller/Slave with a little invisible track and placing the trigger on it. hmmmmm? should work like the crossing gates but I just don't know? I even tried ORDERED LIST-TRIGGER RULE-SWITCH JUNCTIONS-REPEAT LIST. If you know how to get triggers to work more then once please help, I would like to upload these to complement my route.
Thank you Trainz Community.