Placing and selecting Objects in Sueveyor


New member
Placing and selecting Objects in Surveyor

Hello all. I hope I'm putting this in the right place.
I have been playing around with a route that I made.
Nothing special , really just some experimentation.
I wanted to add an object but when I did it was orientated incorrectly.
When I went to rotate it I selected something that had already been placed and positioned.
I used undo, but no matter what I did I couldn't select that most recently placed object.
It was as if the object that was placed and positioned was above the new object.
If I placed the new object somewhere where there was nothing I could select it fine, but I couldn't align it accurately enough to move it into position after aligning it.
I feel that with all of the complex scenery that are in the routes that people make, I must be missing something about being able to select other objects.
Is there a way to stop surveyor from selecting an object when there are two close together?
Or if one is on top and you want the lower one?

I hope I have explained my problem well enough, but if I haven't, I'll try to answer any questions that are needed to clarify.
All the best ,
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When I went to rotate it I selected something that had already been placed and positioned.
I used undo, but no matter what I did I couldn't select that most recently placed object.

Each object has a 'bounding box' which defines the area within which the mouse acts on that object. If you place something else within that bounding box then you won't be able to select it. Sometimes you can avoid this by changing your viewpoint - the second object is 'inside' when you look from one angle, but 'outside' when you look from another.

Once you have selected an object it remains selected even if you move it into the bounding box of another object. So you can place and rotate your object, then move it into place.

Or, put the two objects on different layers and they won't interfere with each other at all.