password & username

To change your username...I would think you will have to notify a Mod.
Unclear sbout that....or maybe the helpdesk.

TCS Route Builder
Hi !

This is found in the FAQ, by typing in 'change username' :

" It is your responsibility to keep the information in your profile up-to-date. You should especially ensure that your email address is kept current. You can alter any of the fields in your profile, except your username. Once you have registered your username, it becomes yours for life. In extreme circumstances, you may request that the administrator change your username, but he or she will require a very good reason to do so. "

Regards, Al.
How extreme do the circumstances have to be? I made the mistake of posting a ''you know what'' is down thread, expressed an opinion of Auran & let myself get drawn into a war of words. now have been put on ignore list's
How extreme do the circumstances have to be? I made the mistake of posting a ''you know what'' is down thread, expressed an opinion of Auran & let myself get drawn into a war of words. now have been put on ignore list's

Look on the bright side. If these people can't see your posts, you don't have to deal with them again about anything you post. I say the fewer people that can cause you problems, the better.
Hi !

Let me get this right : You want to change you username because some forum-member puts you on their ignore-list ????

I don't think Auran will do it for that reason. And why should you by the way ? You have a right to your own opinion, and if people can't take that, well sorry for them. We are over 3000 active members here, and you can't satisfy eveybody.
An advise : Keep your questions and answers in a polite tone, and you will be amazed what you can get away with :hehe: Belive me, been there, done that !

Kind regards, Al from Denmark.
Look on the bright side. If these people can't see your posts, you don't have to deal with them again about anything you post. I say the fewer people that can cause you problems, the better.Today 06:01 PMI don't think Auran will do it for that reason. And why should you by the way ? You have a right to your own opinion, and if people can't take that, well sorry for them.
. Thanks guys you are right . Am still new here so if they can't take my opinion, well thats hard luck. Am sure there many on here who can still help if i have problems (just hope it's not with the ''you know what'' sta):hehe:
. Thanks guys you are right . Am still new here so if they can't take my opinion, well thats hard luck. Am sure there many on here who can still help if i have problems (just hope it's not with the ''you know what'' sta):hehe:

Yup there are plenty of people who can help you if you have problems.

. Thanks guys you are right . Am still new here so if they can't take my opinion, well thats hard luck. Am sure there many on here who can still help if i have problems (just hope it's not with the ''you know what'' sta):hehe:

Things You Could Do With People And Their Ignore(ance) Lists, But Why Bother:
1. Register A New Account (Nah!)
2. Rank Them Behind Their Backs (They'll never see it anyway).
3. Are you REALLY sure that they are ignoring you, or are they just yanking your chain? (Curiously Kills Cats, Ya Know!)
4. Forget about it. (Best Advice)
There's no problem paul502, we're all passionate enough about this game to let things frustrate us sometimes!

Your manner was mild compared to that of those who've made a bad name for themselves.

Your sense of embarassment is unnecessary here. :wave:


Also, be aware that the so-called "Ignore" feature does not exist anywhere in this forum. It's the choice of the person ignoring you, not a software switch.
Many thanks AJ, ALAN & ROB. good to have you around. great advice too Casy j ''curiosity kills the cat''. Look how true that is:hehe: .and ''forget about it'' done.:) By the way roof now repaired a ''few loose tiles'' (not the only one) .Anyone any good at at re decorating ceiling's:o
Many thanks AJ, ALAN & ROB. good to have you around. great advice too Casy j ''curiosity kills the cat''. Look how true that is:hehe: .and ''forget about it'' done.:) By the way roof now repaired a ''few loose tiles'' (not the only one) .Anyone any good at at re decorating ceiling's:o

If I get drunk enough, I can lie down and study a ceiling all day.:udrool: