Passenger unload


New member
I'm running TRS 2006, my problem is I cannot get any of my ( varid ) coaches to unload passengers. They will load no problem but if I then set it to unload at the next stop, it does not and in fact continues to load. !! Any ideas why this is happening ?
avilsly your new it opens doors and they wonts they enter train they dissiperar so they never leave but dont take up space

Thanks for replies, I know they just disappear, but whats happening is this " station showing say 16 passengers, coach showing 34 passengers, I instruct it to unload and the passengers on the station are added to the coach, ie its as if I said load. "
I too would like to know how to unload passengers. When you look at the properties of passenger-enabled stations, you can only set the number of departing passengers per hour, and whether it's morning, evening or both peak. There's no setting for arriving passengers, i.e. unloaded passengers.

If you have a passenger train on a repeat run picking up passengers at various stations, after a while the carriages are full. If you give the command Unload, some, but not all, get off and seem to appear on the platform, i.e. don't disappear (leave the station). Loading at the next station will usually fill the train to capacity again.

All other commodities have industries which Produce and industries which Consume, but stations only seem to be able to Produce passengers. I thought about setting up a multi-industry to consume passengers, but it seems passengers aren't part of multi-industries.

This is really bugging me as I've spent a lot of time balancing all my other industries so that the layout will run happily for several hours, so any help with passenger unloading would be most welcome!
I agree and would also like to know if there was a way to change things, as I'm making a route that focuses mostly on passengers going here and there...I'll have to keep an eye on this thread in any sense. :)


Gisa ^^
Try the drivercommand Terminate Passenger Train by Maggs. The kuid is 116387:16:1.


This is the one you need. Unload doesn't work on passengers. At each stop if you load passengers some get on and some get off unless you use the Terminate passenger Train command which empties the train completely. I think the station importance setting may have some effect on how many people get off, but I'm not sure...

I think the station importance setting may have some effect on how many people get off, but I'm not sure...
It does. At a 'terminus' ALL of the passengers are supposed to get off but in practice this is limited by the number of available attachment points in the 'passengers_off' queues. There are also bugs in Auran's code which prevent this from happening if the number of passengers on the train is very small.

ALL of the passengers waiting at a platform should get on the train at any station (if there is room) but scripts vary.

I have a station kit update in the works which will completely unload trains at a terminus whether there are attachment points available or not. In the meantime Magg's command does the same thing.
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Thanks for the replies guys, I'll give Terminate Passenger Train a go. Trainz is a fantastic piece of software but occasionally you do find bizzarre things like "can't unload passengers" that the programmers just seem to have overlooked! Cheers.
Looking forward to seeing that Andi! :)

If there is any easy way to spread out the passengers at the station (or to give them different patterns for waiting at a station) I hope you could include that too. Keep us posted as to those updates if you could!


Gisa ^^
I believe the Multiple Industry New accepts passengers, I seem to remember seeing that once, but it's been a long time since I looked for passengers in them so I'm not sure.