Passenger Train working Different now


Crabby Old Geezer
I have an Amtrak six-car passenger train on my layout---A.I Driven. Before, the train always stopped just past the station and the passenger cars working steps and doors would open to unload/load passengers at the loading dock. Then, just all of a sudden, the loco starts stopping right at the station loading dock and the cars are behind the station dock....sometimes the animated doors and steps work--sometimes not. I can't see anything different in my A.I. instructions. Anyone have a clue why it began stopping at the platform instead of driving on ahead like it used to?
Hi Davesnow

The only thing I know of that changes the stopping postion of a train is if the platform has the option as a terminus causing the train to stop and the end of the station or a through station that causes it to stop in the middle.

or else you forgot to put the load command in. Doors opening only work on most stations when the coach is in the trigger area.
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