Over 200 of my assets "updated" - who did this and why?

All I know is I didn't do it, nor did I give permission for anyone else to do it. I checked one example. The only change was a couple of foreign language username tags have been added. WTF?
Some of the items I've downloaded because it said they were updates still had trainz-build 1.3 in the config and I couldn't understand where the update was meant to be.
Some of the items I've downloaded because it said they were updates still had trainz-build 1.3 in the config and I couldn't understand where the update was meant to be.

I can not find any modification in ANY of the 5000+ assets that were unecessary updated in the last few weeks! All it actually DOES is to annoy users who want to play MP and to give new users who start thr program and then try to dl all that cr@p with 5kb a "left alone in the rain" and a "that was never written on the homepage advertisement that the program requires this" feeling. Congratz N3V.
My line of thinking is, besides some TANE validation issues, these may be TS12 builtin assets that won't be built into TANE; therefore in order to be able to import older routes built with TS12 builtins, you can download them from the dls. Just my guess.
My line of thinking is, besides some TANE validation issues, these may be TS12 builtin assets that won't be built into TANE; therefore in order to be able to import older routes built with TS12 builtins, you can download them from the dls. Just my guess.

If they are only TS12 build 61388 built-ins assets being uploaded for TANE why are we seeing them as updates? If they went up with the original kuid then we would not be seeing them.
My line of thinking is, besides some TANE validation issues, these may be TS12 builtin assets that won't be built into TANE; therefore in order to be able to import older routes built with TS12 builtins, you can download them from the dls. Just my guess.

Bang on the nail and what N3V said they were going to do. The apparent "updates" are not actually updates but uploads of the previously updated buitins from pre SP1 TS12 that were done for TS12 SP1, For non TS12 users SP1 was a very large patch and replaced many of the builtins with updated versions.

Deane, having checked your builtin items in TS12 SP1 they already contain the "other Language" names, so this was done well over 12 months ago for SP1. All that is happening is a straight upload of builtins from SP1.

The Language tabs? well Trainz is for many countries, so not unreasonable to have the name translated into another Language and probably done for localisation of versions, no harm done that I can see. Haven't checked yet but I wonder if this is working both ways, like Russian to English?
If they are only TS12 build 61388 built-ins assets being uploaded for TANE why are we seeing them as updates? If they went up with the original kuid then we would not be seeing them.

I've just downloaded 4000 odd updates mostly for Builtins in 49922, there are only a few in comparison for 61388 and they will be actuall fixes required for T:ANE plus probably some creators own updates.
And, as we know from past experience, once you place an asset on the DLS you no longer own it. It belongs to N3V and they can do whatever they want with it.
I've just downloaded 4000 odd updates mostly for Builtins in 49922, there are only a few in comparison for 61388 and they will be actuall fixes required for T:ANE plus probably some creators own updates.

The "few" I see in 61388 amount to 285 most of which will not download as you say pre SP1 runs in to the 1000's I cant tell you just how many right now because TrainzUtil has just gone off on one of its validations.

Edit - unexpectedly fast validation, I have 10310 updates.
And, as we know from past experience, once you place an asset on the DLS you no longer own it. It belongs to N3V and they can do whatever they want with it.
If you had actually read the DLS upload agreement you would know that this is not true - there is no transfer of ownership.

Does anyone know what the plan is for making the built-ins for TS12 SP1 compatible with TANE?

I use the following built-ins in about half of my current TS12 routes and at present none of them work in TANE because of errors. As a result half my current routes cannot be used at all in TANE?

These are all built in to TS12 SP1 - none work in TANE
One thing that may apply here though:

Download Station License Agreement said:
Grant of license

With regard to all your New Works uploaded to the Auran Download Station, you grant to N3V a personal, transferable but non-exclusive license to those New Works in order that N3V can redistribute the New Works to third parties:
(a) by making the New Works available for download from the Auran Download Station for free or for payment; (b) by including the New Works on a CDROM or DVDROM (or other storage medium) that is made publicly available for sale or that is given away; or (c) both (a) and (b).

It may be that even though the assets are built-in, N3V may be making use of their rights under clause A mentioned above.

Does anyone know what the plan is for making the built-ins for TS12 SP1 compatible with TANE?

I use the following built-ins in about half of my current TS12 routes and at present none of them work in TANE because of errors. As a result half my current routes cannot be used at all in TANE?

These are all built in to TS12 SP1 - none work in TANE

I had the same problems when I imported my route into TANE; the builtins use .texture files for TS12, which when imported into TANE gives errors as the .texture files need to be converted to texture.txt and .tga files to work in TANE. After converting the files, my route runs fine.
Probably just as easy to wait for anything that needs to be imported from TS12 builtins to appear on the DLS and install it from there, that avoids the convert to locally modified / warnings and errors become active issue when importing.
Probably just as easy to wait for anything that needs to be imported from TS12 builtins to appear on the DLS and install it from there, that avoids the convert to locally modified / warnings and errors become active issue when importing.

Exactly what I was thinking, Malc...It looks like they are converting the .textures as they put them up (although I have caught a couple that have slipped by, lol). Just give them time to get them up (and hopefully running).