Okay Tony, so you get to pay more money to buy this product than ever before... because it includes more content and looks better than the Versions before? Two of these "new" routes are slightly revamped versions of older freeware (Niddertalbahn and Cornish mainline). Kickstarter County is II is a slightly revamped version of a newer version of a really old route (highland valley) and collumbia river basin was payware in TANE. The rolling stock for the Niddertalbahn , the Cornish Mainline and Kickstarter County is at least partly recycled freeware older than trs 2010 not even updated for pbr, as far as I can see. Sebino Lake is a little italian branch line usually operated by stadler GTWs, not an orient express! I still remember it being announced as payware for TANE a while back. Edinburgh Dundee sounds interesting, but I still have the terrible junction spaghetti of the ECML in mind. Honestly, most freeware routes are much nicer than any Trainz builtin or payware, for me, builtin is just a nice extra , not a reason for a higher price, seeing as many builtin objects often come from freeware developers who never see any money in the end. Second reason: if trs 2019 should be so expensive because it is better than TANE, we'd already be at over 100$ by now. The gold subscription is a total rip-off. The payware never was worth its price, sve for a few exceptions. Most freeware is much better. I also never needed a permanent FCT. But subscribers will lose the game the moment they unsubscribe. It's sad that probably the best train sim on the market ruins itsself by its own pricing policy.