Can't remove phantom obsolete texture


Hi there,

I have a texture showing up when I make a selection marquee, but it doesn't show up anywhere else. Not in the in-game texture's palette, not in Content Manager. Instead, when I use the eyedropper on that texture, it lists the updated version, which it indeed is, because the old version was not seasonal and the new one is, and I've more than tested that.
Now this, in itself, would not be a problem, but it is causing me problems from other points of view, namely copying the content of a marquee in that area.
My question is: how to I remove any reference to this obsolete item from this route? I have already deleted its KUID from the config.txt file, but it changed nothing.

Any idea?
Deleting the kuid from config.txt is not a solution because the reference to it is contained in one of the Route’s other files (which you cannot edit). The kuid will keep reappearing in config.txt because it reads it in from that other file.

I don’t fully understand the problem (like how that kuid is not listed in CM) but have you tried the “Delete Missing Assets” menu command? I presume TRS22 still has one. Also the old stand-by, Extended Database Rebuild?

It would be a good idea to say what the KUID of the texture is. It might allow someone to check it and give more specific comments.
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If you've deleted the asset, run the Delete Missing Assets utility found under the tools menu. Be aware that if there are any other missing assets, they will be removed.
I don’t fully understand the problem (like how that kuid is not listed in CM)
I have a screenshot, but being a bit new here, I don't get how to attach a picture to a post. Maybe you can help wit that too.

have you tried the “Delete Missing Assets” menu command? I presume TRS22 still has one. Also the old stand-by, Extended Database Rebuild?
I've tried the “Delete Missing Assets”, to no avail. I also did a Database Rebuild, with no results, although I'm afraid I don't know about the "Extended" part. Is there a specific instruction for that?

Finally, the KUID of the obsolete texture is kuid2:473136:104964:1

Thanks again
Posting screenshots

You cannot insert images directly into Forum posts. Find a website that hosts images and upload your screenshots there. Before uploading, it's good/polite practice to first crop, re-size or reduce the "quality" of the image to the minimum that still allows the required detail to be seen. It will make for faster screen loading for everyone viewing your Forum posts. There are many image hosting sites, for example, I use

At the image hosting site, copy a URL link to your uploaded image. There are many types of URL link. The type that works for me on the Trainz forum is called a "Direct Link".

Now in your Forum post (with your URL link still in the copy clipboard), click on the "Insert image" icon from the tool bar. It's the one between the chain link and the smiley, and looks like a mountain;

A box will pop up into which you can paste the URL link. Close the box and your image should appear in your post at the last position of your text cursor. If not, maybe the type of URL link wasn't one that the Forum likes, so go back to the host site and try another type of link.

Extended database rebuild

Just hold down the Shift key when choosing Database Rebuild from the CM menu. Then be prepared to wait while it does its job.
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Phantom texture

I tried to reproduce what you described as a problem, but I didn't see anything unexpected. Perhaps I don't know what you mean by "marquee" and what you're actually doing.

1. When I first started, I only had the first 2 versions of the PBR Grass mixed 64 texture installed. I had not yet downloaded the latest version of the texture (the seasonal version).


2. In TRS19, I created a new Route and bulk-replaced its preset ground texture (PBR Grass 8 - Seasonal) with PBR Grass Mixed 64 <kuid2:473136:104964:1>. The recursive dependency list of the Route confirmed that <kuid2:473136:104964:1> was being used, but it still listed the preset texture as a dependency despite it being replaced on the map. This apparently has been normal for Trainz for a very long time. In the Route itself however, the whole baseboard was covered in PBR Grass Mixed 64 <kuid2:473136:104964:1>, and it was the only texture that came up when using the "Get texture" tool and in Surveyor's texture palette. In other words, Trainz was only showing and only using the highest version of the texture available to it and ignoring the earlier version <kuid:473136:104964> even though it was also installed and available.


3. After downloading and installing the latest available version of the texture, PBR Grass Mixed 64 seasonal <kuid2:473136:104964:2>, but before using it on the Route, the dependencies list showed that the Route was still using <kuid2:473136:104964:1>, but was also aware that it was now an obsolete version (because the higher version now was now installed).


4. Next, I simply opened the Route and sampled the ground texture. It was now automatically using only PBR Grass Mixed 64 seasonal <kuid2:473136:104964:2>. There was no sign of the previous version anywhere on the Route baseboard itself (using the Get textures tool), or even in the Surveyor textures palette. The dependencies list of the Route also only showed the latest version of the texture.

So, no "phantom" obsolete version of PBR Grass mixed 64 was detectable in the Route or in Surveyor's palette. Note that I had not done any database re-builds. This all just happened automatically.


5. My final step was to delete PBR Grass Mixed 64 seasonal <kuid2:473136:104964:2> from CM to see what happens. It again left PBR Grass Mixed 64 <kuid2:473136:104964:1> as the highest installed version of the texture. I checked the dependencies list both before and after I had opened the Route. It had automatically returned to the previous state where it was again using <kuid2:473136:104964:1> but was aware that the DLS had a newer version available (i.e. all the way back to Step 2). So its process of finding and using the highest version of a texture was quite reliable, whether you're adding higher versions or removing them.


This all seems perfectly reasonable to me. I could not reproduce any "phantom" instances of the obsolete texture. I admit that at this stage, I don't know what you were doing with the Marquee or why you think an obsolete version of the texture was somehow interfering.

I can only suggest that you delete any obsolete versions of the texture from CM, leaving only the seasonal version installed, then do an Extended Database Repair to clear up any scrambled references. Then open your Route and use the "Delete Missing Assets" and save it. After that, I can't see how it could possibly still find an obsolete version of the texture, let alone use it. Even if the obsolete texture is "built-in" and locked against deletion, it still should be a non-issue if a higher version is installed.
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@Dinorius_Redundicus - Marquee refers to the clik and drag function in surveyor for selecting an area, then copying-pasting. The marquee is the dotted line rectangle/square you make with the tool.
It's the same name/function used in most image editors. for clik>drag-selecting(y)
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@Dinorius_Redundicus - Marquee refers to the clik and drag function in surveyor for selecting an area, the copying-pasting. The marquee is the dotted line rectangle/square you make with the tool.
It's the same name/function used in most image editors. for clik>drag-selecting(y)

That's what I thought too, but I want Maymone to confirm what he meant by Marquee. Also to explain exactly what he's doing that makes him think there is an obsolete version of the texture somehow interfering with whatever operation he's doing. Unless TRS22 does something different to TRS19, I still don't see.
@Dinorius_Redundicus, thank you for all your effort. I attach the image I wanted to attach first; there you can see what I mean by Marquee:!AkF10Ybiny4Cmtw9mz60aRWeJGszfg?e=sMUglf
When I select that little area, which only has one texture and nothing else, on the right where I placed a yellow line and nr.1, you can see it mentions finding PBR Grass Mixed 64 <kuid2:473136:104964:1>, the "old" version. When I use the eyedropper on it, it returns the new version (nr.2).

I can only suggest that you delete any obsolete versions of the texture from CM
I tried that, but deleting is greyed out. Check this screenshot:
Screenshot 2025-02-04 164419.jpg

I also did the extended database rebuild, deleted missing assets, but it didn't change anything.
Finally, I forgot to mention it before, my route thumbnail has the orange "broken chain" icon which usually means some missing or corrupt asset. I checked the whole list and everything is OK, except for one asset that is mentioned as unknown. It appears not to be related to the texture we're talking about, its KUID is <kuid2:661281:65102:1> and the author is Auran. No matter how many times I delete it, it stays there (this one does not have the delete option greyed out).

I can operate the route normally; I simply can't paste anything from the Scrapbook. I think it doesn't even copy, it returns "Nothing to paste". I know about the filters; I've copied and pasted and used the brush and clone tools hundreds of times, but now, with this route, they don't work.
Check for asset updates. A number of these textures including some by Auran. Download the Auran assets.

If all else fails, you can run delete missing assets to remove the errant texture and other missing asset from your route. The missing texture may or may not be visibly missing, meaning you'll see the grid where this is supposed to be unless you blended the texture in with something else.
You’re not using the right type of URL link (and/or the right sort of website for hosting images). I don’t know how it looks on your PC but I can only see the hyperlink text, not the image itself. Readers should not need to click/open hyperlinks if the image hosting is done right. I suggest you use a third party hosting site, not your OneDrive folder.

As for the texture behaviour, I can’t explain it, but one major thing I see is that both versions of the texture are listed as “Packaged” in TRS22, where in my TRS19, they are not. That is why you can’t delete them, but I can. And since only the highest version of the kuid is displayed in the Surveyor assets list, you can’t use the Bulk Asset Replacement tool to ensure only the latest version is used on the map either.

The bit I don’t understand is how the obsolete version is showing up in whatever that panel at the right is, and why it is only in one small area of the scene. That’s truly weird and suggests a bug.

While packaged assets cannot be deleted, they can be Disabled in Content Manager. You could try doing that on the obsolete version. It shouldn’t be necessary, but you can try it.

If disabling doesn’t force that panel thing to show the highest version of the texture, the only idea I have left is that you report it via a Helpdesk ticket. Use the “Support” menu in the toolbar above. Perhaps the staff at N3V will be able to resolve the matter, or at least decide if it’s a bug that needs to be fixed.
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You’re not using the right type of URL link (and/or the right sort of website for hosting images). I don’t know how it looks on your PC but I can only see the hyperlink text, not the image itself. Readers should not need to click/open hyperlinks if the image hosting is done right. I suggest you use a third party hosting site, not your OneDrive folder.
Here it is:
Can you see it now?
Yep, I can see an image in the post without needing to click and open a link this time. The resolution of screenshot itself is rather low which makes the text almost unreadable, but that’s a matter of image size and quality. If you just want to show the actual screenshot and nothing else (the Share button, title and all the white space above and below) use “Direct Link”.

Did you try the Disable idea on the obsolete version of the texture? It should be listed in CM if you use the “List asset versions” menu command.
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