OnTrack September 2007 Edition includes tutorials & Payware, is it worth it?

Hi all,

Padster: you have PM :D

I've written this month's column in html, to show what can be done. If anyone wants to see how I've done this, I'll post a link to it on here after the release date, and also providing Padster doesn't mind - I don't want to be seen to be undermining him.

I've included a small tribute to Beany (and I'm just going to check I've spelt his name right :confused:), but is someone who knew him better going to write anything more thorough?
EDIT: It's ok, panic over. I've spelt it right.

Tell you what, Nutter, why aren't you writing a magazine yourself if you are such an expert? I can take constructive criticism (as you will know if you read this months mag I have made the font size bigger) but utterly negative comments like yours helps no-one. The review I did was MY personal opinion, I happen to think that those locos I listed were very good. How on earth can you knock the Pannier? Are we talking about the same loco here?

The Turbostar drives very well with my Rail Driver. But let's not pretend that it will ever be 'just like the real thing' because it won't. This is a simulation not real life.

Firstly, this actually does come from a 3D modelling artist (You may want to check the DLS.), secondly, what is the point of a simulation?

To match that of the reality model. If no one critises these models, no one is going to learn, no one is going to be able to change their models, no one is actually create the reality that we all like to see.

(This is why I am trying to encourage critism, harsh or constrictive about the model. Pointing out this is wrong and that is wrong with a very good reason, does help immensely, I know, I've done it!)

Maybe the truth is that you wish to push your models instead. I am very happy to review them if you give me the link.

I will try to take on board everyones comments about the typeface, but as I don't spend that much time on the computer I might not be able to deliver on that. We'll see how things go.

No, its not pushing my models at all, all it is about is improving the QOS that artists produce. Sometimes, the author is capable, but it is wrong in many respects, so they need a good boot up the backside. (Any names spring to mind Louise_T?)
Hi all,

Padster: you have PM :D

I've written this month's column in html, to show what can be done. If anyone wants to see how I've done this, I'll post a link to it on here after the release date, and also providing Padster doesn't mind - I don't want to be seen to be undermining him.

I've included a small tribute to Beany (and I'm just going to check I've spelt his name right :confused:), but is someone who knew him better going to write anything more thorough?
EDIT: It's ok, panic over. I've spelt it right.


Interesting ... I think Paul will be delighted ... However, Paul might delay in getting back to you due to medical issues. He has mention this publicly, so it's why I am stating it here.

HTML is a strong tool to work with documents, especially if one uses dream weaver. A more basic tool would be Microsoft wed page or even Adobe Photoshop.

Looking forward to seeing what you have done ... :wave:

Interesting ... I think Paul will be delighted ... However, Paul might delay in getting back to you due to medical issues. He has mention this publicly, so it's why I am stating it here.

I'm personally not too bothered about a delay. I don't think it's fair to push so hard when a) it's all done voluntarily and b) there are medical complications.

If you want a preview, I've used a similar (but not identical) layout to this page on my Chatspeak signature.

The only drawback is users of small resolution moniters will suffer, as it's 800px wide.
