Thanks Ish for keeping up the good work as usual!
K4, I got your story and picture, but I am afraid it was way too short for the mag. Contributors can write whatever they like (as long as it is to do with Trainz or real trains) but I always stipulate that their articles should fill at least one page of A4 paper. I am prepared to allow some leeway if the writer has included a few pictures as these take up quite a bit of space, but you had just one picture and very little words. Now if you could flesh out your story a little I would be delighted to publish it in the mag.
Best wishes,
Padster, looking at your mag, may I suggest a constructive comment?
If so, look on, otherwise not.
Looking at the mag, everything is there and personally, I do feel there is some improvement recommended, but not required (you can't please some people), but if you want to improve something significant, why not change the font? Serif fonts aren't really the best ones to use, I suggest creating some examples and showing them to the community, the key here is readiblity, something "Times New Roman" isn't!
Another good idea, is one I came up with the UKDTG magazine (the only one), you may want to talk to an artist who is on the verge of releasing a stunning object and if he is willing to ablige, send you some high quality renders and have a "focus on" section. (Then again, the magazine I produce, serves a different audience alltogether).
The idea here, is to appreciate good art work and suggest improvements to artwork, which is not quite up to what we expect. (Author collaboration needed).
Other than that, I see reviews were missing on the october version, so if you fancy doing one, why not my Class 141 railbus? Yes, its not quite finish and there is lots to do, it needs a custom cab, that I have already outlined, along with some other issues (rivet size, lack of some details, etc.), but other than that, if you want to review it, go ahead. (Optional).
If you want to be extra fussy and right a review that clearly critisies the railbus, compare it with some good photos (I did that during production) and say why you don't like it, go on, if you want to praise it, do, either way, my time was worthwhile spent and it is better spent if people find errors I can fix!