Well-known member
I spend almost all my time in surveyor and previously used Tane SP1, build 84356 extensively. I use the 5m grid on squares with the track running through them, 10m everywhere else. In Tane when putting down textures and rotating them, the direction indicator always spun fast. In TRS19 it does as well except when working on a section of 5m grid and then the direction indicator stutters back and forth and can take as much as 10 seconds to complete one revolution. Without releasing the button on the mouse while texturing the spinner goes from fast to stuttering as soon as you go from 10m grid to 5m. Movement of the circle for painting is not completely smooth in the 5m grid even if not rotating the texture. I found Tane SP3, build 97285 to be the same in this regard but didn't think anything of it at the time since SP1 was working so good for me and I stayed with that. I tried a new route, just one baseboard. With 10m grid the direction indicator spins normally but after converting the grid to 5m it stutters. Is anyone else seeing this?
My computer an i7-7700 @3.60 GHz, 16GB Ram, GTX 1070 and TRS19 is on a Samsung 860 EVO SSD.
My computer an i7-7700 @3.60 GHz, 16GB Ram, GTX 1070 and TRS19 is on a Samsung 860 EVO SSD.