nsw information needed please


New member
hello all

i am looking for some information from cowra to parkes - forbes
from there to narromine

then either to coonabarabran or coonamble
then on to narrabri or walgett
moree and goondiwindi

i would like to know how hilly it is and what sort of farms and industries there are.

i have tried a search on the net but it retuns not much of use to me.

thank you all

G'day Steven

I might be able to help with station/yard diagrams, and grade/curve diagrams.

I'll have a look through my old books and get back to you with what I have for those areas.



thank you
that would be great

i checked the site but
what is it like between cowra, gooloogong, forbes and parkes?

thanks for your troubles

hello all
just an update
i am now trying to run trainz from wagga according to the timetable
unfotuately i still do not have all the timetables from the far west of nsw for passenger and goods operations

have got past cowra now and i am trying to find the right elevations to comtinue via eugowra to parkes forbes and then via peak hill to dubbo and from there eventually to the border



thank you
that would be great

i checked the site but
what is it like between cowra, gooloogong, forbes and parkes?

thanks for your troubles


Hi Steven,

When you go to the website previously posted,
click on "lines"; on the rusty-red menu at the top.

That will get you here:-

Is this any help?.

Will you be going all the way to Narrandera?.
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hi noel

yes it should help

i have no idea where narranderra is?

eventually after dubbo i am looking to run to goondiwindi and then onto qld

not sure if it will go via walgett or narrabri yet.

need more routes first

i do not wish to double any up that i have so far

i will definitely be running it into gilgandra after dubbo

any help will be appreciated

these routes ar not at ground level and its hard to find similar heights

hi all
i have run a 14 car commonwealth railway set pulled by a nsw sra 442 diesel
from wagga wagga station to harden station.
with 9 stops at the bigger stations it took 2 hours at the posted limit.
which is between 80km and up

for a real kilomter journey of 136 km how does that compare to rel life in running times?

if your interested I passed through Parkes on my way home after a trip to Perth last year (November & December 2006). I have photo's of the Station and yards & surrounds (in the distance, about 200 - 400 metres)from the level crossing immediately south of the station.

hi mate

yes thanks
i have found some other pics but yours would let me check it the way it is now

email them to me please
or send me a link

hi all

i cannot find the running timetable for trains on the nsw country network.

i have searched all the links and seem to have lost where it is

could somebody please point me in the right direction

hi all

just to let you all know that i cannot work on the layout for a about a month

will get back with screenshost that i have already taken soon


in regards to hills - kids at Goondiwinidi Public School are taught "now there's only one hill in Goondiwindi - does anyone know where it is?" hehe :D:p

Try here for curve and gradient diagrams, whole of NSW :

And just here for some more diagrams:

and click on 'file' or 'image' for heaps of PDF's and info etc.

and the other site posted is great for station piccy's etc.

Good luck, great to see some more NSW done.

Have you considered using DEM's (gradient/terrain data automatically done)? It would save a bit of time and would certainly be more/very accurate.

Oh and here's some rough 'real world' time between country stations:

Harden to Demondrille - 5 mins
Wallanbeen to Cootamundra - 18 mins
Cootamundra to Bethungra - 27 mins
Demondrille to Young - 29 mins
Cowra to Young - 77 mins

from a Southlines map... tried Countrylink's website for some times? http://www.countrylink.info/

Alex :)
Alright then. Your best bet would just be to get station or a landmark's 'real' height and start from there, using gradient diagrams for the track... and photos and maps to help you with terrain etc.

Some data you might need is either the track or platform height of a few stations or industries, trackmarks etc to get you started.

But have a look through those links in my previous post, should help.

Hi Steven,

I have a very good link to Topograhic mays from the NSW Lands Department, I had to ring up for the link but it does give excellent Lat/Long readings (for all of NSW). If you woud like this link just say so and I will post again. If you find someone to do a DEM file for you they will need this info. I am using this info for a project plus any info Dennis (DeRiCo) could find for me.

Let me know if I can help,

Hi Steven,

I have a very good link to Topograhic mays from the NSW Lands Department, I had to ring up for the link but it does give excellent Lat/Long readings (for all of NSW). If you woud like this link just say so and I will post again. If you find someone to do a DEM file for you they will need this info. I am using this info for a project plus any info Dennis (DeRiCo) could find for me.

Let me know if I can help,


Hi Craig, Hi Steven,

Yes please, I would like this link too.

Hi Steven and Noel, here is the link for you and anyone else;


It is not to hard to learn but may take a little time. When you first enter it you have an image of NSW at just over 300km with no Rail lines showing. You may at times find it is very slow to load, this I think is to the number of people using the site (even though it is VERY hard to find) I always use the site at night or on the weekends (AUSSY time).

You need to place you cursor (+ thingo) near where you need to get closer to, then click you're mouse. This will bring you in closer, continue doing this and you will eventually see more detail including railway lines. If you have selected roughly where you are looking at first it is best to keep moving your cursor round at the start to get closer to the site you wont and then you click the cursor for example start in the centre then may be click in one of the corners to move in to what you wont.

In the top right hand corner you will find the Lat/Long readings (this site does not show alitude though), under this you will also see a yellow thing (menu box) and that will change what you see/details on the map. Have a play around with the items under the map image as well to see what they can do.

If you have any questions post here or email me. One I can think of is about the Lat/Long readins and how to use these, I have half written a small tutorial on this matter and will post this in a new thread for evey one. Once I have I will also edit this post with a link for you both and everyone esle. The other is have to get a copy of what you see, I have done this and then merged them together to show a whole route, but this is not as easy as it sounds. If you need this info, let me know and give me some time to get the images together on this......you will also need Paint Shop Pro (the only one I now but others softwear may work for this).

Have fun,


P.S. Noel you will get an email soon :)