Not Necissarily an Announcement

Hello Fellow Train Lovers

Tron here, just to wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and any I missed.
I wanted you to know that I once loved the series, still do but now I'm leaving.
This is not important but this almost tells you what's happening to the community...On that note
Be happy Jian, even with wonderfull sparks of light, it seems that night is growing down here !!!

Best regards, Marc
Hi everybody.
Yet another person posting: "I'm leaving thread" ? How boring !

Yes another one of many gone due no doubt to the outstanding success of T:ANE. Still we have our gallant lads on the dev forum trying to clear up the mess free of charge that others were paid such good salaries not to create (LOL).

However, I wish them and every other forum member a very merry Christmas. I will raise a glass to all later with the money I have saved from not purchasing T:ane being that the reviews never encouraged me and I am sure many others not to buy.

Still we now have the announced next version of Trainz to look forward to with all the excitement of knowing that will be the best bug free version ever (although I feel I have seen that text somewhere before, just cannot think where).

Bill :hehe:
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I don't think this particular user's problems are stemming from T:ANE looking at their timeline I'm afraid.


I was not referring just to the OP in particular in my posting at #6 of this thread, but the many who have left Trainz and this forum announced or not in the last year. A great shame but that is what Kickstarter and T:ane has done to this once good community.

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True, although in my opinion things do seem to be improving on the T:ANE front at least from what I've seen.


That may well be true or not depending on personal views. However, why would anyone who has not purchased T:ane already buy it now when development of the next version has already been announced. I believe N3V shot themselves in the foot in a very big way in making that statement particularly right on the peek buying season of the year.

I like many I am sure will wait and see what the new version brings. I would also think that not many would wish to give money in advance of the release this time around, although you will always get some.

That's true for most things nowadays although I do think said announcement was a bit early. However there is one thing I have believed in for some time, and that's not to rely on what others say about a product in case they are biased.

That's true for most things nowadays although I do think said announcement was a bit early. However there is one thing I have believed in for some time, and that's not to rely on what others say about a product in case they are biased.


Shane, very true that some reviews of any product can be biased for various reasons. However, what I always do in reading reviews is to look for similar trends in a number of reviews of a product or service. Example, if a number of reviews of the same hotel advise that the rooms are not clean, cold or noisy then that is in all probability true. If only one review states the forgoing out of several reviews it is probably not as stated.

In the case of T:ane following the 15th May retail release, many reviews on various forums all shared the same trends. The crash to desktop, over heating hardware. poor frame rates (just to mention a few) were advised in many postings and therefore could be judged as being present in the software. I took that as a genuine reason not to buy and that belief has remained ever since on continuing reading of reviews.

I agree that if several reviews say virtually the same thing then it's usually true (although I'd be interested to see if a re-review of the current SP1 RC2 (or equivalent) version makes any difference).

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That may well be true or not depending on personal views. However, why would anyone who has not purchased T:ane already buy it now when development of the next version has already been announced.
For exactly the same reason that people buy an iPhone 6 now when they know that the 7 is on the way and will be better and the same price - they get to use a great product now instead of waiting.

I agree that if several reviews say virtually the same thing then it's usually true (although I'd be interested to see if a re-review of the current SP1 RC2 (or equivalent) version makes any difference).


I do not believe that positive reviews of T:ane +SP1 would improve the sales of this version at this point in time. T:ane big day was on May the 15th and that turned out to be a forum and social media disaster. For those who already own T:ane it will be a much needed boost to the enjoyment no doubt.

However, for those who have not purchased there will be little incentive to buy with a new Trainz version already already announced and in development together with the Christmas buying season over before we can buy the SP1 version, I cannot feel that many will feel the need. Speaking for myself I have found a new hobby (Arduino) which is filling ever increasing amounts of my spare time with great interest as I come to grips with it all.

So, Lets see what the future brings as to whether the new version will have enough content and attraction to bring long standing supporters of Trainz (like myself) back to the fold.

Anyway I am of to the Christmas Eve carol service at our local church which overlooks the sea and the Bristol Channel. It is always a wonderful Xmas occasion including the candle light procession with the sea and Welsh coast line illuminated in the background (weather permitting today) which always makes me feel that Christmas has arrived and begun as it was meant to be.

So, a very merry Christmas to everyone on the forum and every happiness for the new year.
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