noob needs some help


New member
when I got my download copy of t12 I of course spent hours patching it up to 61388 and then checking out content manager it says I have 300,000 plus items to be updated this cant be real can it
when I got my download copy of t12 I of course spent hours patching it up to 61388 and then checking out content manager it says I have 300,000 plus items to be updated this cant be real can it

It is.Its the objects,scripts and meshes etc.
so then if that is the case and I need to spend all the time updating this I have to wonder if trainz is as good as people claim. just a thought I have spent more time updating a patching then I have playing the game
This depends on at what point the update happens. If it's when you start Trainz (straight after clicking Start) it's actually a database repair/update so it's not actually downloading any new content, just checking that the database is correct.

of course I bought it dip
As it is not showing next to your name, there is no way for us to confirm that is true.
If you did not register it to your account yet, go here to fix that:
Else it will never show up next to your name.

when I got my download copy of t12 I of course spent hours patching it up to 61388 and then checking out content manager it says I have 300,000 plus items to be updated this cant be real can it
If you check again, it will tell you there are over 300.000 assets on the DLS. A lot of them have updates, also on the DLS. The only asset updates that are relevant for you are those that you actually have installed. That is the number showing in game.

Advise if you do not have a FCT: Be sure to use the in-game update downloader as those will not count against your daily 100mb limit.
hey guys thank you for responding. ill start by saying that I bought this copy it is already registered and yes I an FCT. I don't know why it doesn't show me as having registered it but I did it when I installed. ty for the info on the updates next question is do I just leave the ones I don't need or delete them out of content manager
Content Manager will show you everything; those you have installed and those you don't.

What you need to do is play a bit with the search filter. Search for installed = true or Location = local or built-in = true.

If you have the harddisk space, I would not bother deleting anything unless it is obsolete (and not built-in).
Welcome to Trainz.
I find it best not to use the update feature.
Just update assets as you come across them in the routes or assets you are using.
My TS12 has always shown about 2000 and after N3V did a massive update of built-in assets for the new version coming out, it rose to over 10000.
The assets that need to be updated will show up when you list the dependencies in Content Manager, by right clicking on the route or asset and choosing 'view dependencies'.
To update just right click on the item and choose "Asset version' and follow the screens to download the update.
The asset will still usually work without the update.