No controls in session problem - Central London Line


New member
I'm still learning T:ANE after being away from Trainz for a long time. I've downloaded the Central London route and the sessions that match but I'm having a problem that has me befuddled. When I start the session (like After Lunch) the instructions come up OK and I'm told to drive but there are no controls on the screen. I've tried both Realistic and DCC modes. The keyboard commands (W, X) do nothing at all.

What it looks like is that Adair, the only driver without an AI schedule shown, didn't get assigned to a train. I'm assuming (with all that that entails) that that is who I am supposed to be.

My question is, is this something I am doing wrong or an error in my expectations? I haven't opened the session yet to see if I can fix it, if I do what might be the problem?

The MLV Movement session seems to be OK.

Any pointers would be very much appreciated.

Bill W
Hey Bill, I've just downloaded this Session and had no trouble at all. You will find that in Cab mode, you've got to wait for the driver controls to display. This happens at every station. When you stop, the display goes off while passengers load, then it appears until you stop again. Remember that the 'AWS' system is in operation too. It's designed to keep old people like me awake while driving.
Thanks for the reply Roy. I appreciate the help.

That's not how it runs for me. When After Lunch starts it looks like Nick is the driver with his schedule at the bottom. I first select DCC mode (although I have tried both) then I tick off the two instruction pages and wait. When the scheduled time comes (13:27) I get another page which says "Right away". But no controls HUD pops up and I cannot start the train.

I am not in a station but I don't know how to tell where I am to tell you.
I think I found the problem. Adair is assigned to "FCC class 313 DMSO neon (updated) 1" which I don't have nor is it on the DLS. Can you tell me the placement and direction that that train is on your session and I'll try to replace it with something else ...

I think we are talking about two different assets. The one missing is a loco. I think the one you pointed to is the one that was "removed" for terms of service violations. I suppose the sound is missing too but that probably won't affect much. Thanks for the pointer to it, though.
The loco is on the dls though <kuid2:45317:100920:2> FCC class 313 DMSO neon (Updated cab) Just downloaded it to prove the point.

Author nexusdj uploaded on the 22 March 2015. If you are getting the error on the engine sound then you have the loco as it wouldn't be downloading it's dependency otherwise, check you faulty assets
Thanks. I was able to get the session running at the author's suggestion to delete and redownload the session. That seemed to do the trick.

The loco's name that I was looking for is, I believe, an updated version of what you pointed out. I had found that one. Maybe the whole thing was a versions mismatch which got solved with the redownload. I don't know.

In any case it does seem to be working now which make me happy. Thanks very much for helping me out.