Newbie Question: Baseboards

Hey I'm new to all this.
I have UTC and wondered how to make layout on Surveyor with more than one baseboard? (i.e how do you create more than one baseboard and link them together?)
When in surveyor mode click on topology (top right) Then click the advanced button below this button it will say extend. Click on this then move your mouse pointer to the required position and click. Presto you have extended your board.
Great thing about TRS (at least in 2004 and 2006) is that there is no limit to the number of baseboards you can have. The only limit is your system's RAM.

The only limit is your system's RAM.


:D Yes indeed! The RAM on the my desktop is crap (only 738MB - its now 6 years old!), and it wont work on my laptop coz well.....its a laptop! Is UTC even supposed to be able to run on under 1GB RAM? Need to know coz I lost the box for it!

Graphics are crap on the desktop too - only a 64Mb nVidia GeForce MX!:'(

If anyone could give me the heads up for a cheap gaming laptop (i.e under £500) wold be much appreciated! This Acer is out of date already and Ive only had it for 1.5 years!:(
:D Yes indeed! The RAM on the my desktop is crap (only 738MB - its now 6 years old!), and it wont work on my laptop coz well.....its a laptop! Is UTC even supposed to be able to run on under 1GB RAM? Need to know coz I lost the box for it!

Graphics are crap on the desktop too - only a 64Mb nVidia GeForce MX!:'(

If anyone could give me the heads up for a cheap gaming laptop (i.e under £500) wold be much appreciated! This Acer is out of date already and Ive only had it for 1.5 years!:(
Minimum specs say 128Mb.Your Memory is not adequate due to Windows taking most of this up. I would use 1G as a minimum. Time to heave it in the Loch and start again.:n: