Newbie Needs Help


New member
I just got TRS2006, installed OK, can run surveyor and driver OK. I registered the product.

I have been to download station a number of times. I have a first class ticket (for what it is worth!). On occassion I have been able succefully get some things to download. But 95% of the time nothing happens when I hit the Start download button. OR sometimes it just stops downloading partway through the download. Does this have anything to do with the Auran people being away for a couple of weeks. Are they messing around with their servers. OR is it always this crappy and frustrating?

As well I cannot get to the websites from within TRS2006. The readme file says something cryptic about setting the router to allow UDP Port 5250. I'm running a Dlink DI624 wireless router. I'm not sure where and how to make the required changes. I tried it through the special applications window but it made no difference.

Looks to me like Trainz is for knowledgable PC users not everyday folk. Any help would be welcome.
welcome to trainz.
FCT (first class ticket) has to sit for 24 hour. at this time FCT is activating so you can not download anything.
Hello. Your first class ticket, as titaniclover said, takes up to 24hours to activate. as you just registered your serial number, (Witch is required to download,) the servers have probably not registered it yet. And if your not knowledgeable with computers, you'll learn from us! just ask any questions you have.

Welcome to trainz,
1. Thanks for the replies.

2. I actually registered the software several days ago so the FCT should be activated by now. In fact it shows up when I go to the download station.

3. I know a fair bit about computers. The one I am using I actually built myself from scratch. However, the settings for the router (as mentioned in my first post) have got me confused.

4. I find that it is often not possible to get to the Auran web pages (e.g., it took me several tries to get to this forum ... before that I was getting page not found messages).

5. The download station has been very spotty for me. Sometimes I can download (and it is quite fast due to the FCT) but most of the time nothing happens when I hit the Start button.

6. I cannot get to any of the Auran webpages from the links in TRS2006. In fact the Auran 2006 webpage does not seem to exist if I try to get to them directly through Internet Explorer.

7. Is there a patch or service pack for TRS2006?

Cheers from Ottawa, Canada.
Welcome to Trainz. TRS 2006 can be the most frustrating piece of software at first. I experienced all of the situations described at one time or another and like many others would revert to TRS 2004 which had none of these situations.

After a fairly lengthy period of observing TRS 2006 and referring to the lengthy forum discussions relating to CMP, I came to the conclusion that the more you use TRS 2006 the better it gets. I noticed that many who proclaimed TRS2006 to be trouble free did not have TRS 2004 installed, or in use, so all activity was thru TRS 2006.

In my opinion CMP, although finicky, can be quite workable and reasonably reliable.To get it working properly you must give it a fairly lengthy period of time to build up the data base and once complete needs regular connection to Auran website to update the data base. Once done I have found CMP to be relatively stable, although occasionally strange things occur when downloading.

happyj said "TRS2006 can be the most frustrating piece of software at first".

That is a VERY TRUE statement. I have no problem running Surveyor and Driver from the software as it came out of the box. Everything else to do with this TRS2006 software and its associated websites is total garbage. The websites are slow, often inaccessible and even hang my Internet Explorer. I'll give this another week and if things do not improve (e.g., as far as website access and downloads from download station) then I'll remove it from my computer and go back to Microsoft Train Simulator. I certainly would not recommend TRS2006 to anyone that I know. I don;t know how you folks put up with Auran.
FRUSTRATION CONTINUES. I've literally wasted hours with this TRS2006 software today. I even reloaded the program. Works great in surveyor and driver mode. I went into Content Manager and was able to do a search against the Download Station location. I started to download a route/layout (Peco S13). It stopped halfway and I could not get it to go any further. I tried to get the TRS2006 Service Pack 1 information file from the Auran website. I could not open it ... got a message that an email has been sent to tech support. I tried to download the service pack and it stopped dead after 2 minutes. Is it possible that my ISP is causing these problems with downloads or is anyone else experiencing these problems?. HELP!
I've had intermittent download problems all Christmas, their servers are very unreliable, it seems.

Also, if you're downloading Service Pack 1, check the version on your title screen - if you have build 2773 (as I do), then Service Pack 1 won't work properly and you'll mess up the game. I've contacted the helpdesk about this and it's been "passed on to the developers", :rolleyes: , so I'd guess they're releasing versions of the software which the SP doesn't apply to. I also found the Service Pack readme is on the old, lost forum.
Also, if you're downloading Service Pack 1, check the version on your title screen - if you have build 2773 (as I do), then Service Pack 1 won't work properly and you'll mess up the game. I've contacted the helpdesk about this and it's been "passed on to the developers", :rolleyes: , so I'd guess they're releasing versions of the software which the SP doesn't apply to. I also found the Service Pack readme is on the old, lost forum.
Yes, we know :rolleyes: . As would you if you had visited the Just Trains site (or had searched for info on build 2773...)

paulhobbs ... how would somebody who is new to trains (like me) know enough to visit the "Just Trains" site or search for info on build 2773? BTW I was able to download Service Pack 1 but I had to watch it and restart teh download about 50 times. I also had the correct version of TRS2006 so I was able to apply the patch.