New Route

This is NorfolkSouthern9708,
I'm pretty new to the game and I am starting to plan a route in the area of Altoona, probably a medium size industrial layout, for sure it will be free-lanced, ranging from 8 by 12 baseboards to 14 by 18 baseboards. :)
...a new Norfolk Southern Fan...!

8) Hello NorfolkSouthern9708, and welcome to the Auran Forum Community!

Check out the Great American Underground Railway Company

There are maps, of the area you want to work, you have to scroll through the list, and select the area. Horseshoe Curve, is also available.

You will have the railroad lines, roads, and waterways applied to the maps, in Surveyor, if you use all the resources available...don't forget the HOG textures!

With NASA World Wind(Google Earth, Microsoft Virtual Earth), you can see the topo and aerial views, and accurately recreate the actual terrain map, including hills and grades.

Good luck and GodSpeed you progress!

Let us know, if you need help, by all means/read the "FAQ's" posted on this forum, and use "Search" function at the toolbar a'top this page.

Keep us informed of your progress!
...don't feel bad...

:cool: If I had a nickle for all my projects left to complete, I'd own a small nation!

Keep your project in the back of your head, when you have the time, work on them, and something will get done!