New Route!


New member
Around a week ago, I presented myself with a challenge. I was to take a DEM blank map on the DLS, and create a fictional route using the terrain data that has nothing to do with the real world place. My first route in this is a route that takes place somewhere in eastern Canada, with insane grades of 4%. I have decided to not use TURFX, because I wanted to get as much detail in while still getting a good fps. This is the first phase of the route, With Carter grade being the only part finished. This route doesn't have many industries, and for now, Is mostly just a fun challenge to conquer a insanely steep grade. More parts will be released, With the next phase being a yard. Have fun, and good luck!

Will try to upload screenshots

forum being funny, will try to upload screenshots.

also, won't be availble during the weekend, so I won't be able to correct any issues