I have some questions about the route before I buy.
1. How big (long) is the route?
2. Does it use traffic enabled?
3. Does it have applicable track signage, i.e. speed limits, mileage posts, whistle signs, etc.?
Dave Snow
1. ~28 miles, will be around 40-50 miles in future
2. from both sides has portals, traffic enabled.
3. naturally!
I'll add some information, first this is freight section. Surely we can use there passengers trains, but speed has low limits, some places are 25 mph in some places. Variety from 30 to 45 on straight sections and 30 -35 on other sections.
Also in future, i will continue map from Vernon to ***** (no name as long as), new section will about 15-20 miles, with high speed limits (35-45 mph for freight) and this will be final form of this project and about 2 h gameplay totally.
So map will be updating and will be have much more extended content of BN, UP, GN, MILW etc stuff in future, if you like.
Gameplay managed to do about 1h - 1h 20 min. Also who will have this route, with future extended packs will have new sessions and any fresh updates of this map.
Main operation this is coal, logs (sawmill) and general goods, but there has and other industries.
About performance. This route was build on laptop with GeForce GT740M graphics (used HD resolution), so i have in cab view mode 27-37FPS, game settings with disabled post-processing, 4000m draw distance.
From external view mode 22-29 FPS. But this is laptop with 64 bit graphics. So even if you have a bit better hardware, your FPS will be much better.
Hope i've reduced information gap.
~ Alex