New Build Steam


Well-known member
I thought I'd create a thread to discuss and update the community on all the New-Build steam (and occasionally diesel) projects going on at the moment. Might have been done before, but I checked and I couldn't find any. Here is the current state of affairs:

2ft Gauge Baldwin 2-4-2T 'Lyn'

The locomotive is essentially complete and should steam fairly shortly. All components have been ordered and final assembly should start early in the spring time ready for a possible summer steaming and an entry in to service in the autumn.

GWR Saint Class No.2999 'Lady of Legend'

Again, the locomotive is basically finished component-wise and all that's left now is for the permanent boiler and many smaller fittings to be fitted (the boiler above is temporary). Another 2017 steaming candidate, and it has been suggested that the loco may begin running before 2018.

LBSCR Atlantic 32424 'Beachy Head'

It's getting there! Work is now starting on the boiler, the cab has now been fitted (not visible in this photo). Smokebox will probably follow at some stage too. May be visually complete before the end of 2017 and will probably steam some time next year.

LNER P2 No.2007 'Prince of Wales'

The front end and the cab is basically finished, but the loco has not yet gained a boiler, nor anything below the footplate. This one is still in the fairly early stages and construction is not expected to finish until 2021. Progress seems to be fast on this one however- definitely one to watch! Possibility for a 2019 steaming I would have thought- maybe.

NER G5 0-4-4T No.1759

Possibly might be finished earlier than you'd expect- but like the P2 progress is really only visible above the footplate. I think the Brighton Atlantic group have got that bit right at least- all the fiddly stuff should be done first, in my opinion.

LMS Patriot 4-6-0 No.5551 'The Unknown Warrior'

This site tells you all you need to know. Projected to be completed on the 100th Anniversary of the Armistice on the 11th of November 2018. Possibly a tad ambitious, but you never know.

BR Standard Class 6 No.72010 'Hengist'

Currently an assortment of bits as opposed to a locomotive, the Clan group have faced numerous challenges. However, the frames are about to be erected apparently.

PRR T1 Duplex No.5550

This is one ambitious project. However it does appear to have got off the ground, so to speak, with one main driver cast. I wonder how progress on the frames is coming along. Once those are finished, 5550 effectively 'exists' becoming the first steam locomotive built in the US since the 1950s.

Others not mentioned here include:
LNER V4 2-6-2 - Will be started when 2007 approaches completion
LNER V3 2-6-2T - After the V4!
LNER K3 2-6-0 - Rumoured, after the V3
GWR County Class 4-6-0 'County of Glamorgan'
GWR Grange Class 4-6-0 'Betton Grange' - very close to completion, but I feel this is more of a modification to an already existing loco
GWR 47XX 2-8-0
LNER/GER F5 2-4-2T
LNWR King George V 4-4-0
BR Standard 3MT 2-6-2T 82045
LNWR Bloomer Class 2-2-2 670
LNER P2 2-8-2 2001 'Cock O' The North' - yes, another one.
LNER B17 4-6-0 61662 'Manchester United'
LNER B17 4-6-0 61673 'Spirit of Sandringham'
LNER D16 4-4-0 'Pheonix'
GCR 567 Class 4-4-0
SR Unrebuilt Merchant Navy 35011 'General Steam Navigation'
BR Standard Class 2MT Tank 84030
BR Standard Class 3MT 77021
LMS Fowler 4P 2-6-4T
LMS Ivatt Diesel 10000
BR Class 23 'Baby Deltic'
NYC J3a Hudson (Rumoured?)
LNER P1 2-8-2 (Rumoured?)
GWR County 4-4-0 (Rumoured?)
IF my info is up to date in the T1 there are still trying to find a place to cast the frame, it once piece from the tender to the pilot, so you need a large area to put the mold, and a LOT of molten metal. Also they don't nearly have enough $$$ at this time, but it is building!
Once those are finished, 5550 effectively 'exists' becoming the first steam locomotive built in the US since the 1950s.

That actually wouldn't be true. There have been a few steam locomotives built in the U.S. since the 1950's. The four that come to mind right now are the replicas of Union Pacific #119 and Central Pacific #60 "Jupiter" at the Golden Spike National Historic Site (both built in 1979 in Costa Mesa, CA), the replica of Central Pacific #63 "Leviathan" (built in 2009 by Kloke Loco Works LLC. in Elgin, IL), and Steam into History's #17 (built in 2013 by Kloke Loco Works LLC.).