Why does Network Diagnostics for TS2012/HF/SP bother to have a "Cancel" button on it? It does nothing at all as you simply cannot 'cancel' a diagnostic in progress. If the diag gets into trouble then you're just out of luck until IT decided to terminate itself (unless, of course, you kill the sucker using Task Manager).
Case in point: today, CM and Trains itself, is continually lagging and struggling to keep running. Every few seconds, it goes out and tries to connect to the servers, hangs, and fails. This causes the game and CM to hang also. Even pulling the network connection doesn't help as the game still tries to phone home, causing said lagging.
What is desperately needed is a "I don't care WHAT the state of the network is,, play the game!" button or Options checkbox.
Haven't the programmers ever heard of using threads that allow the OS to go about its business instead of hanging the entire system just to make a connection? Good grief! I learned that years ago. If we ever get another "update" to TS2012 (which I doubt), make this an imperative change.
Case in point: today, CM and Trains itself, is continually lagging and struggling to keep running. Every few seconds, it goes out and tries to connect to the servers, hangs, and fails. This causes the game and CM to hang also. Even pulling the network connection doesn't help as the game still tries to phone home, causing said lagging.
What is desperately needed is a "I don't care WHAT the state of the network is,, play the game!" button or Options checkbox.
Haven't the programmers ever heard of using threads that allow the OS to go about its business instead of hanging the entire system just to make a connection? Good grief! I learned that years ago. If we ever get another "update" to TS2012 (which I doubt), make this an imperative change.