

New member
Hello fellow Trainzers,

I've been hiding offline for years with trs06 and just brought trains 12 from steam [build 61297] (yeah, having read the multiplayer stuffs regarding build versions, i wish i hadn't used steam) ho-hum not alot i can do there.

I've noticed the manual built in, is very similar to the trs06 version - it even still has the categories like region and types in it - which ts12 doesn't have. This is probably the hardest thing to adust to for me. Selecting industry was really useful for seeing what sort of buildings i can use for areas. I love watching basic processes like taking logs to a mill, producing lumber and pit props, watching coal mines - all the interactive stuff. In trs06 i kind of butchered everyone elses creations to make them suit my modelling styles - i felt safe doing this as i've never uploaded anything and the black-pages was a fine art of getting new items to play around with. New pc, new start - so typically for me, i saw TS12 and brought it - ignoring T:ane for now.

Sorry, waffled on.

Towards the end of last year I found an item that was like a 60m fixed track with a little platform next to it for trs06, within the item it had the meshes available - which i could open using gmax. So i created my 1st modifield asset with a shortened platform and a 10m or 20m track. You'd think I would find it easy, I've got City and Guilds in AutoCad design and manufacturing [2007] - i didn't! haha. It wasn't really creation of my 1st asset as all i did was swap the track mesh with the one from the shortest fixed track i could find, 10m en multiple industry, if i recal correctly and adjust the platform including the track marker things. Same with a coal unloader, swapped the track and scaled the coal looking load that moved up and down in relation to current load/capacity. All this is probably illegal due the licences etc, i'd never upload to dls or sites, i'm purely a consumer of other peoples superb work. Please don't shoot me! :o

Until I got this version and semi upto date [at least the same decade!]. Now I have installed the version of Blender that Mr Paul Hobbs uses in a tutorial, which I will hope to achieve my 1st asset creation, legal and above board!

crickey, waffling on again. I should put the shovel down.

I guess, in a nut-shell, I was wondering if there was a band of UK modellers or Trainzers that work together or sit on comms chatting away while modelling or Trainzing that would accept a non-intrusive, yet eager nublet? I get the feels that this site is mostly US based, which isn't a problem in general, but i know having worked on the track as part of a TRV response gang [contracted to LuL and working often near Network Rail sites] our signalling and line running is very different. This is why I am seeking a UK ish, group.

Also, gawd darn it, I updated the content within the game using the new shiny button that tells me a bunch of stuff is needed, now alot of the built in stuff has got the yellow icon of headache attached. Is this why it wont state I have completed the Lincoln Relief (can't remember it's name at the time of typing) East Coast Main Line session - I only got 60% or points or what ever it is out of a possible 100. I was late - silly guys goldfish! haha. Do i need to achieve 100? Or does it not tick itself like the tutorials do? I tried the "check the errors and warnings in CMP" to clear the yellow icon of doomage, but it's still there. I'm not too worried, it's not a multiplayer route, just bugs me abit.

I like both Narrow and Standard Guage track and stock, often I built the same layout in both Gauges. So i do not mind what the group does - i'll be happy to do anything.

The long and short of it is, Hello Trainzers.

Hello PeruvianLlama,

Thanks chap, appreciated. My choo-choo line doesn't show TS12, yet my DLS works - I guess i should do something, other than register the game with Auran? Not a biggie i guess.

Thanks again,

Hello PeruvianLlama,

Thanks chap, appreciated. My choo-choo line doesn't show TS12, yet my DLS works - I guess i should do something, other than register the game with Auran? Not a biggie i guess.

Thanks again,


Welcome back!

If you registered on My Trainz (aka the old Planet Auran) and put in your password while setting up, then you are all set. There's a problem with the station line not showing the versions you have registered. You might want to send a note to the Helpdesk and inquire about it. You are not the only one who as had this issue recently.
