Neep help ! Installed old Firefox for downloaded station and wiped out everything !

Do you think that the latest version or Firefox has better virus scanning than a version that's 4 years or so old ? I'm fine with the 56.0, as long as it doesn't put my PC at risk.

Thanks again for all your help !
Quoting Mozilla:
"Up-to-date browsers protect you from viruses, security breaches and hacks. Older versions of browsers may be vulnerable to attacks and security holes. Firefox engineers have been known to ship a security update within a day of learning of a vulnerability."

I personally think you will be fine though.
OK, thanks. I don't normally browse sites that I'm not familiar with already, and there's not many as is but regardless, I'll be extra cautious.

Even download helper works again ! It seems like it's been a long time seen I've had that work.