
New member
i am new to the trs as i was downloading some new content, namely engines. I decided to look at it in the railyard, as a result my whole computer froze. After uninstalling the game, and restarting my computer, I can now only start up the disk/game/content manager, once, without it freezing. Now let me inform you that the only thing that freezes is the game and nothing else.

Someone please help me...and if it sounds like my game is dead, please tell me.
Also, would it solve the problem if i got a new computer?
Give us some more information: the specification of your computer, processor, memory, graphics card etc; and the version of TRS you have (and version of windows).

You could use the search button on the forums as this question has come up many times, but I guess no two problems are identical.

i have just recently bought trs2006 and wanted some more content i downloaded it but content manager plus wont open on my computer it says ' we are sorry for any inconvenience but ccp has to close ' and really want this stuff can you help? :confused:

well...i was just wondering because this problem happened when i was trying to view a train i just downloaded off the trainz website...i don't know, i might not be doing stuff correctly or something...i just need some help with the content manager and stuff
my game runs theres a good thing, but i just can't open the content manager, or else it'll freeze and then the whole game gets slow, or freezes, i can't really explain it...its hard
but i do have TRS 2006, and don't quite know the specs of my comp...but it is enough to run the game
Basically, the file I mentioned before, namely assets.tdx, is the database that tells trainz exactly where every asset is, whether it be on your hard drive or on the DLS (trainz Download Station). If you download a corrupt asset, then this file will become corrupted and the game will crash every time you try to use it. Assets.bku is a backup of assets.tdx that may not exist post SP1, which I suggest you apply if it hasn't already been done.

There are two solutions to the corruption problem:
1. Delete assets.tdx and assets.bku before you open CMP every time, and wait for it to rebuild the database
2. Copy the local folder from [hard drive whewre trainz is]\Program files\Auran\TRS2006 to a safe place, delete assets.tdxx/bku, then open CMP and wait for it to rebuild the local folder, then copy back in the folders inside the local folder that you copied out into the new local folder one at a time, deleting assets.tdx/bku each time and closing and reopening CMP after rebuilding assets.tdx/bku each time to see if it crashes. When CMP crases, remove the asset you placed in there last, and you have A culprit. However, to make sure that there are not more that one corrupt assets, you need to carry this on with every other folder until you have them all there.

If you wish to install SP1, which could stop the crashes 70% of the time, then please post back with your build number (found in the bottom-right corner of the main trainz screen (the one with survayor, driver etc), and soneone will tell you if you need SP1, and which one to get, as there are two versions.

Hope this helps,