Need help with Trees for Life mission


New member
In the Trees for Life mission you have to drop off logs, fill wood chips, and pick up lumber. The logs and chips are completed on an inner siding and the lumber is to be picked up on the next one out. However, both signals at each end of the siding are red, so when I try to go backward or forward to get to the next siding the mission fails...Any suggestions?
All works well... til an icon says to decouple gondolas. I proceed, but nothing happens. I drive to what I think is the next objective, then a red bug icon appears. I unload lumber as required, then another red icon appears, and nothing happens, again. Tried two times, same mess. Impossible to get this session completed!
Check if you have downloaded all asset updates. The red bug is an indication there is something wrong with one or more assets.
Train too long ?

Just bought TANE on Steam special. Just love vibrating the house with those glorious diesels. Have tried this mission countless times but just end up sitting at the red signal after dropping off the logs and picking up the wood chips. I found you can back out on a yellow signal to try and get over to the plank pickup point, but the train is too long and hits a double red on the way out. Then someone said to shorten the train by "decoupling". Even if you decouple the woodchip bins, the train is still too long !
What am I doing wrong, please help this trainz addict.