Need Help Taking TANE Screenshots in Surveyor - Regular Mode


RR Mod Maker
I was not sure where to post this so will try here because Surveyor is partly a solution.

I am trying to take very specific screenshots of a new route in development and need to be able to get specific views and the camera in TANE is driving me nuts.

It jumps back and forth and up and down with no way to control its placemen exactly.

In Surveyor there is a special key combo Alt+U that enters a more controlled mode BUT IT HUGS THE TERRAIN and will NOT allow vertical movement which is what i need. You CAN use the mouse to adjust the angle of the view in special Mode but that is useless if one cannot rise up and get above ground level...i need to be able to move freely in space AND set the right angle.

i Need a view about 20 feet up and to be able to control the horizontal view as well.

is there ANY way to get control of the camera better? i have tried Chase, Free Motion, and all of the potential modes and they all have variations on the same problem is a bit better but still wont allow vertical delension or specific angling and bobs around like a mad thing.

Any help on this will be greatly appreciated. if possible.


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figured it out

i had to adjust he compass speed. much much better .. well glad i was able to figure that out and maybe this will help someone else so i will not delete the thread :)

I found if I press the shift-key while raising the camera view, I can raise up the camera ever so slightly to get that right position when using the free roam camera.

I hope you find this helpful as well.
Agree with you there John. I use the shift key and all of the arrow keys to get a pretty finite position. Then I use the mouse wheel to roll forwards or go back - much as a zoom function would work.

Excellent Info, I thought I was the only one that had the wild Camera that bounces like it gets shot out of Cannon. I have to try toe Mouse Wheel and Shift + Arrow........
figured it out

i had to adjust he compass speed. much much better .. well glad i was able to figure that out and maybe this will help someone else so i will not delete the thread :)

Yea, the problem is, you only want to go about 20 feet in the air but when you move up, the camera also tilts forward. This is no good if the idea of your shot is to gather more sky than ground which is what I wanted. Well my work around was to simply raise the ground about 20 feet below the camera, and then to settle the camera down again. This gave me 20 feet in height, but with a camera that looks out without any degree of vertical rotation. Hope this helps others trying to achieve the same.
