Need help changing my auto/cars...


narrow gauge fanatic
I've followed all the advice on this forum about this subject but I still can't get it to work.
I've tried everything but the right thing, obviously.

Would somebody mind showing me pictures with circles and arrows on the front and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one is???

I want to change my cars to the old ones!

I'm runnin' TRS06.
Thanks, BLACKWATCH. I guess I wasn't very clear...:eek:
The in game autos are default to modern. I want to change them to the old antiques models.
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I guess that if you follow the tips given on that thread you can do it. Not really complicated.

But if you need further assistance, just ask here. ;)

Alberte :)
I've followed all the advice on this forum about this subject but I still can't get it to work.
I've tried everything but the right thing, obviously.

Would somebody mind showing me pictures with circles and arrows on the front and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one is???

I want to change my cars to the old ones!

I'm runnin' TRS06.

I thought I just did, zatovisualworks, by making another thread... I need help with more of an explanation, please. I don't understand this.
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Okay. Let's do it.

1. Open CMP and look for built-in region United States,<kuid:-1:7804>

2. Select it and right click to find the CLONE contextual menu.

3. Clone it!

4. Select the cloned item and right click to open it in Windows Explorer.

5. You'll see just a config.txt file inside the folder. Open it.

6. Search for the username tag, and change it from "United States" into "My United States", for instance.

7. Search for the lines:

car0                            34
car1                            35
car2                            100638
car3                            28
car4                            30
car5                            100622
car6                            32
car7                            100526
car8                            37
car9                            38
car10                            100527
car11                            41
car12                            100624
and change them into:

car0                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car1                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car2                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car3                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car4                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car5                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car6                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car7                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car8                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car9                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car10                           <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car11                           <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car12                           <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>

* <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy> should be the kuid numbers of the cars you want to use. I recommend you to use the old vintage ones from good old whecsailor:

* You can use more more than 13 cars, of course.

Save and commit your new region asset.

8. Next time you start a new layout you can select your new region "My United States" from the drop-down list...


and roads will be jammed with whecsailor's oldies or the ones you had chosen.

9. Also, you can change the region of an existing route by selecting it on your CMP and right clicking to open its config.txt in Windows Explorer. Then, you should change its region tag to "My United States" and save. Commit it (Ctrl +M ).

And done.

Hope it helps and you finally achieve to do it.

If not, we'll go back to it again. I'm stubborn, and you? ;)

Alberte :wave:
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Okay. Let's do it.

1. Open CMP and look for built-in region United States,<kuid:-1:7804>

2. Select it and right click to find the CLONE contextual menu.

3. Clone it!

4. Select the cloned item and right click to open it in Windows Explorer.

5. You'll see just a config.txt file inside the folder. Open it.

6. Search for the username tag, and change it from "United States" into "My United States", for instance.

7. Search for the lines:

car0                            34
car1                            35
car2                            100638
car3                            28
car4                            30
car5                            100622
car6                            32
car7                            100526
car8                            37
car9                            38
car10                            100527
car11                            41
car12                            100624
and change them into:

car0                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car1                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car2                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car3                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car4                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car5                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car6                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car7                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car8                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car9                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car10                           <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car11                           <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car12                           <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>

* <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy> should be the kuid numbers of the cars you want to use. I recommend you to use the old vintage ones from good old whecsailor:

* You can use more more than 13 cars, of course.

Save and commit your new region asset.

8. Next time you start a new layout you can select your new region "My United States" from the drop-down list...

and roads will be jammed with whecsailor's oldies or the ones you had chosen.

9. Also, you can change the region of an existing route by selecting it on your CMP and right clicking to open its config.txt in Windows Explorer. Then, you should change its region tag to "My United States" and save. Commit it (Ctrl +M ).

And done.

Hope it helps and you finally achieve to do it.

If not, we'll go back to it again. I'm stubborn, and you? ;)

Alberte :wave:
Hi Alberte and thegrindre, I have wanted to do this in a test layout of mine to see how it works with a bridge I am testing. So I have just run a little experiment.

Now I have cheated on this by using TRS2004 and TrainzObjectz (TO) to help me and to see what TO changes for me in my Config File. Also this is my second attempt to show what happened but apparently we are restricted in the number of characters in a reply, so this is a short reply.

Alberte, I had a look at your example as well and I am not sure why it is slightly different to what I found even after I imported my test file to 2006. I have also tested my test layout in 2006 and it works fine.

The difference I found is that not ONLY do you add the following (example) lines to you Config File but you need to add them to your kuid-table in the layout.

car0 <KUID:67261:29036>
car1 <KUID:67261:29305>
car2 <KUID:67261:29303>
car3 <KUID:67261:29261>
car4 <KUID:67261:29158>
car5 <KUID:67261:29074>
car6 <KUID:67261:29166>
car7 <KUID:67261:29402>
car8 <KUID:67261:29046>
car9 <KUID:67261:29008>
car10 <KUID:67261:29027>
car11 <KUID:67261:29014>
car12 <KUID:67261:29023>
car13 <KUID:67261:29069>
car14 <KUID:67261:29166>

As I said in my test layout these have also been added to my kuid-table like this;

kuid-table {
0 <kuid:-1:6270>
1 <kuid:2300:21009>
part removed to allow in this example
70 <kuid2:72076:1516:1>
71 <kuid2:72076:1517:1>
72 <kuid2:70791:670010:1>
73 <KUID:67261:29036>
74 <KUID:67261:29305>
75 <KUID:67261:29303>
76 <KUID:67261:29261>
77 <KUID:67261:29158>
78 <KUID:67261:29074>
79 <KUID:67261:29166>
80 <KUID:67261:29402>
81 <KUID:67261:29046>
82 <KUID:67261:29008>
83 <KUID:67261:29027>
84 <KUID:67261:29014>
85 <KUID:67261:29023>
86 <KUID:67261:29069>

You can see that the cars mentioned in the first part have now been added to the kuid-table in lines 73-86. This may be why thegrindre is having problems to get this to work.

I would start a test layout with a road on it that produces cars and then in CMP open the Config file and add the lines of the required cars as shown by Alberte but also add them to your kuid-table. Hopefully this will now work.

Let us know how you go and if you need any further explanation email me, as I said I am restricted here by the number of characters allowed in a reply/post.


P.S. Whecsailor has the best Vintage cars around ;)
OK, I just got up and have to go to work (graveyard shift):'( but will give this a try when I get home. Thanks guys...:)
Just got to looking around and here is my United States Region (cloned). There is no CODE nor any KUID numbers in it. Help!:'( I don't understand this thing...:confused:

username "United States"
category-class "YX"
kind "region"
kuid 7804
region "USA"
watercolor 38,74,92
ontheright 1
defaultjunction 100634
longitude 77,1.2,-1
latitude 38,53.4,1
altitude 0
car0 34
car1 35
car2 100638
car3 28
car4 30
car5 100622
car6 32
car7 100526
car8 37
car9 38
car10 100527
car11 41
car12 100624
description "The spectacular land of Mustang, metropolis and margarita; of the glamorous extra fare passenger express, and the legendary Pullman Porter.

Gotta go to work...

Let's see. If you clone an asset with CMP, your kuid number should appear. Are we talking about TRS2006?

Kuid numbers for cars should be written manuallly by you.

and change them into:

car0                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car1                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car2                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car3                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car4                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car5                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car6                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car7                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car8                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car9                            <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car10                           <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car11                           <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>
car12                           <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy>

* <kuid:XXXXX:yyyyy> should be the kuid numbers of the cars you want to use. I recommend you to use the old vintage ones from good old whecsailor:

Try again. ;)
I'm showing you a copy and paste of my cloned "USA" config file as you instructed. Yes, 2006. That is all that is in it. That's it.:confused: (except the rest of the discription which I didn't copy and paste.)
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Let's do it again!

Please step after step:

1. Search for <kuid:-1:7804> and clone it again.

2. Open it in Windows explorer and see if the config has your kuid number as mine does:

My United States, <kuid:86311:1896>

username                        "My United States"
category-class                        "YX"
kind                            "region"
region                            "USA"
watercolor                        38,74,92
ontheright                        1
defaultjunction                        100634
longitude                        77,1.2,-1
latitude                        38,53.4,1
altitude                        0
car0                            <kuid:114172:29004>
car1                            <kuid:114172:29005>
car2                            <kuid:114172:29006>
car3                            <kuid:114172:29007>
car4                            <kuid:114172:29008>
car5                            <kuid:114172:29009>
car6                            <kuid:114172:290010>
car7                            <kuid:114172:290011>
car8                            <kuid:114172:290012>
car9                            <kuid:114172:290013>
car10                            <kuid:114172:290014>
car11                            <kuid:114172:290043>
car12                            <kuid:114172:290044>
description                        "The spectacular land of Mustang, metropolis and margarita; of the glamorous extra fare passenger express, and the legendary Pullman Porter.

From the bright lights and bustling crowds of the American city, through sprawling suburbia, to cactus country layered in red rock and dry grass. A painted desert landscape from the Santa Fe stomping grounds of Arizona and New Mexico."
description-pl                        "Zapieraj¹ca dech w piersiach kraina Mustangów, metropolii i margarity; olœniewaj¹cych luksusem ekspresów i legendarnych wagonów sypialnych Pullmana.
Od jasnych œwiate³ i zabieganych t³umów amerykañskich miast, poprzez rozleg³e przedmieœcia po wyrzeŸbion¹ w czerwonych ska³ach prowincjê kaktusów i suchej trawy. Malowniczy pustynny krajobraz Arizony i Nowego Meksyku - macierzystych terenów kolei Santa Fe.
description-de                        "Das spektakuläre Land der Mustangs, Metropolen und Margaritas, der zuschlagpflichtigen Passagierschnellzüge und der legendären Pullman Porter.

Von den hellen Lichtern und dem Rummel der amerikanischen Stadt durch ausgedehnte Vorstädte in das Land der Kakteen, geformt durch roten Fels und trockenes Gras. Eine gemalte Wüstenlandschaft zwischen Arizona und New Mexico."
description-it                        "La terra spettacolare dei Mustang, delle metropoli e del margarita; degli affascinanti espressi passeggeri a tariffa supplementare e del leggendario Pullman Porter. 
Dalle luci sfavillanti e dalla folla frenetica della città americana, attraverso estese periferie, fino alla terra dei cactus punteggiata di roccia rossa e di erba bruciata. Un paesaggio da deserto dipinto dalle località favorite di Santa Fé, dell'Arizona e del Nuovo Messico."
username-fr                        "Etats-Unis"
description-fr                        "C'est l'extraordinaire pays des Mustang, des grandes métropoles et des margaritas, la patrie du légendaire Pullman Porter et du célèbre express.

Lumières aveuglantes, foule endiablée et banlieues tentaculaires contrastent avec la végétation désertique des paysages taillés dans la roche rouge. Entre le Nouveau Mexique et l'Arizona se découpe sur l'horizon le pittoresque paysage de terre de Santa Fe."
username-nl                        "USA"
description-nl                        "Het land van de wilde mustangs, reusachtige metropolen en lekkere margarita's. 

Ontwerp je eigen Amerikaanse landschap, van helder verlichte en dichtbevolkte Amerikaanse grootsteden over verkommerde voorsteden tot en met dorre met cactussen begroeide woestijnen."
username-cz                        "Spojené státy"
description-cz                        "Velkolepá zemÄ› mustangů, velkých metropolÃ*, margarity, ale také legendárnÃ*ch expresů a známého Pullmana Portera.Od pÅ™elidnÄ›ných amerických velkomÄ›st pÅ™es rozlehlá pÅ™edmÄ›stÃ* až po vysuÅ¡enou a kaktusy posetou pouÅ¡Å¥. PouÅ¡tnÃ* krajina železnice Santa Fe mezi Arizonou a Novým Mexikem."
username-es                        "Estados Unidos"
description-es                        "La espectacular tierra de los Mustangs, de las metrópolis y de las margaritas; del glamuroso expreso especial de alquiler y de la legendaria Pullman Porter. 

Desde las luces radiantes y el bullicio de las ciudades norteamericanas, pasando por las extensÃ*simas periferias urbanas, hasta llegar a la tierra de los cactus, cubiertas de rocas rojizas y matojos. El colorido paisaje desértico de los clásicos destinos turÃ*sticos de las tierras de Santa Fe de Arizona y Nuevo México."
username-ru                        "Соединенные Штаты"
description-ru                        "ВеличеÑ&#129;твеннаÑ&#143; землÑ&#143; муÑ&#129;тангов, метрополиÑ&#129;ов и маргариты, роÑ&#129;кошных дорогих поездов и легендарных пульмановÑ&#129;ких Ñ&#141;кÑ&#129;преÑ&#129;Ñ&#129;ов. 

Поезд уноÑ&#129;итÑ&#129;Ñ&#143; прочь от Ñ&#143;рких городÑ&#129;ких огней и гудÑ&#143;щей толпы, пролетает через городÑ&#129;кие предмеÑ&#129;Ñ‚ÑŒÑ&#143; и оказываетÑ&#129;Ñ&#143; в Ñ&#129;тране кактуÑ&#129;ов. Вокруг - краÑ&#129;ные Ñ&#129;калы и чахлаÑ&#143; трава. Ð&#144; дальше на вÑ&#129;ем пути от Санта Фе через Ð&#144;ризону и Ð&#157;ью-МекÑ&#129;ико вам будут вÑ&#129;тречатьÑ&#129;Ñ&#143; впечатлÑ&#143;ющие пуÑ&#129;тынные ландшафты."
asset-filename                        "USA"
kuid                            <kuid:86311:1896>

3. Open the config and write the kuids numbers of the cars you want to show up on roads: i.e.

car0                            <kuid:114172:29004>
car1                            <kuid:32456:29005>
car2                            <kuid:14567:29006>
car3                            <kuid:89056:29007>
car4                            <kuid:86311:29008>
car5                            <kuid:114172:29009>
car6                            <kuid:114172:290010>
car7                            <kuid:114172:290011>
car8                            <kuid:114172:290012>
car9                            <kuid:114172:290013>
car10                            <kuid:114172:290014>
car11                            <kuid:114172:290043>
car12                            <kuid:114172:290044>

Mine are fictitious. You must learn the kuids numbers of cars you have installed in your TRS2006.

To be continued... if everything goes fine.
Here's mine as instructed, in full... One step at a time. 1 & 2. No CODE or KUID numbers anywhere.

username "United States"
category-class "YX"
kind "region"
kuid 7804
region "USA"
watercolor 38,74,92
ontheright 1
defaultjunction 100634
longitude 77,1.2,-1
latitude 38,53.4,1
altitude 0
car0 34
car1 35
car2 100638
car3 28
car4 30
car5 100622
car6 32
car7 100526
car8 37
car9 38
car10 100527
car11 41
car12 100624
description "The spectacular land of Mustang, metropolis and margarita; of the glamorous extra fare passenger express, and the legendary Pullman Porter.

From the bright lights and bustling crowds of the American city, through sprawling suburbia, to cactus country layered in red rock and dry grass. A painted desert landscape from the Santa Fe stomping grounds of Arizona and New Mexico."
description-pl "Zapieraj¹ca dech w piersiach kraina Mustangów, metropolii i margarity; olœniewaj¹cych luksusem ekspresów i legendarnych wagonów sypialnych Pullmana.
Od jasnych œwiate³ i zabieganych t³umów amerykañskich miast, poprzez rozleg³e przedmieœcia po wyrzeŸbion¹ w czerwonych ska³ach prowincjê kaktusów i suchej trawy. Malowniczy pustynny krajobraz Arizony i Nowego Meksyku - macierzystych terenów kolei Santa Fe.
description-de "Das spektakuläre Land der Mustangs, Metropolen und Margaritas, der zuschlagpflichtigen Passagierschnellzüge und der legendären Pullman Porter.

Von den hellen Lichtern und dem Rummel der amerikanischen Stadt durch ausgedehnte Vorstädte in das Land der Kakteen, geformt durch roten Fels und trockenes Gras. Eine gemalte Wüstenlandschaft zwischen Arizona und New Mexico."
description-it "La terra spettacolare dei Mustang, delle metropoli e del margarita; degli affascinanti espressi passeggeri a tariffa supplementare e del leggendario Pullman Porter.
Dalle luci sfavillanti e dalla folla frenetica della città americana, attraverso estese periferie, fino alla terra dei cactus punteggiata di roccia rossa e di erba bruciata. Un paesaggio da deserto dipinto dalle località favorite di Santa Fé, dell'Arizona e del Nuovo Messico."
username-fr "Etats-Unis"
description-fr "C'est l'extraordinaire pays des Mustang, des grandes métropoles et des margaritas, la patrie du légendaire Pullman Porter et du célèbre express.

Lumières aveuglantes, foule endiablée et banlieues tentaculaires contrastent avec la végétation désertique des paysages taillés dans la roche rouge. Entre le Nouveau Mexique et l'Arizona se découpe sur l'horizon le pittoresque paysage de terre de Santa Fe."
username-nl "USA"
description-nl "Het land van de wilde mustangs, reusachtige metropolen en lekkere margarita's.

Ontwerp je eigen Amerikaanse landschap, van helder verlichte en dichtbevolkte Amerikaanse grootsteden over verkommerde voorsteden tot en met dorre met cactussen begroeide woestijnen."
username-cz "Spojené státy"
description-cz "Velkolepá země mustangů, velkých metropolí, margarity, ale také legendárních expresů a známého Pullmana Portera.Od přelidněných amerických velkoměst přes rozlehlá předměstí až po vysušenou a kaktusy posetou poušť. Pouštní krajina železnice Santa Fe mezi Arizonou a Novým Mexikem."
username-es "Estados Unidos"
description-es "La espectacular tierra de los Mustangs, de las metrópolis y de las margaritas; del glamuroso expreso especial de alquiler y de la legendaria Pullman Porter.

Desde las luces radiantes y el bullicio de las ciudades norteamericanas, pasando por las extensísimas periferias urbanas, hasta llegar a la tierra de los cactus, cubiertas de rocas rojizas y matojos. El colorido paisaje desértico de los clásicos destinos turísticos de las tierras de Santa Fe de Arizona y Nuevo México."
username-ru "Соединенные Штаты"
description-ru "Величественная земля мустангов, метрополисов и маргариты, роскошных дорогих поездов и легендарных пульмановских экспрессов.

Поезд уносится прочь от ярких городских огней и гудящей толпы, пролетает через городские предместья и оказывается в стране кактусов. Вокруг - красные скалы и чахлая трава. А дальше на всем пути от Санта Фе через Аризону и Нью-Мексико вам будут встречаться впечатляющие пустынные ландшафты."
asset-filename "USA"
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These are the cars factory installed from the box on my PC as of right now that I want to use for now. I'll get whecsailor's content later if this thing works.

car5 <kuid:67261:29031>
car6 <kuid:67261:29016>
car7 <kuid:67261:29031>
car8 <kuid:67261:29044>
car9 <kuid:67261:29093>
car10 <kuid:67261:29112>
car11 <kuid:67261:29111>
car12 <kuid:67261:29133>
car13 <kuid:67261:29132>
car14 <kuid:67261:29114>
car15 <kuid:67261:29136>
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I don't understand why you kuid number is not appearing on the new asset when you clone. Are you sure you cloned the built-in region asset?

Please send me a MP with your Auran ID number and the kuid numbers of the cars your want to appear on your region. I will make it for you to see how it works.

Remember that these latter kuids number must be put onto the config file manually:

So, replace lines:

 car0                            34
car1                            35
car2                            100638
car3                            28
car4                            30
car5                            100622
car6                            32
car7                            100526
car8                            37
car9                            38
car10                            100527
car11                            41
car12                            100624


 car5                            <kuid:67261:29031>
car6                            <kuid:67261:29016>
car7                            <kuid:67261:29031>
car8                            <kuid:67261:29044>
car9                            <kuid:67261:29093>
car10                            <kuid:67261:29112>
car11                            <kuid:67261:29111>
car12                            <kuid:67261:29133>
car13                            <kuid:67261:29132>
car14                            <kuid:67261:29114>
car15                            <kuid:67261:29136>

To be continued...
First let me say that I down loaded PFSs REGION file and am applying your instructions to it. I got it working but, I've added more cars and now I'm getting error messages. I'm limited to 20 cars only, 0-19. All car tags above 20 are unacceptable.

Thanks a million. I would like to continue this because I still don't understand it all yet.

I have to go to bed...:'( Gotta work grave tonight...:(

I am still watching and will help out where/when I can.

Alberte, that file is very interesting. I think I have worked out what it is for now. That file, if set up with our own cars (vintage ones) then it will override the default ones of TRS once we select the Geographical region. So in effect we could have 6 of these files, one for the US, one for Britain, one for European countries, one for AussieLand etc all with different cars. Is this right??? If so then any layout (a US one) we make and use this Geographical region on will have these settings, our next layout (a US one) will go back to the default cars if we do not specify a particular Geographical region, is this right???
