Need a Trainz buddy!


New member
After a few months of experimenting, I am frustrated with my efforts to learn to use Trainz. I would like to have someone that I can send questions to and discuss how things work. In particular, I need someone familiar with TRS2006, CMP, and fixing items and routes made for TRS2004. The pay is lousy, but I will appreciate some help. Any takers?
im right there with ya. I need to fly someone in and have them show me how to lay about to throw the cpu in the yard...
I've got the week off and nothing better to do with the snow and ice 6 inches deep, and as you're a fellow Pennsyltuckian, email me if you'd like. I'll try and help.
Sorry, I'm not that artistic, but I'll try.
Hello TManning80, I operate TRS2006 but not with SP1, so give us a shout with any questions and I, and others on this forum, will endeavour to assist you in any way we can.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
someone familiar with TRS2006, CMP, and fixing items

Well, I've only got a few weeks more experience than you do, so I can't claim to be familiar with TRS 2006. But I am working my way through this stuff. I suspect it might be profitable for all of us, and for the community as a whole, if you can make your questions as concrete as possible, and post them here. We can fight our way through to competence together.

You don't say you've done so, and if you have, ignore this, but if you haven't done so, I'd advise that you download and install the TRS 2k6 SP1. I understand there are enough significant issues to make this a valuable exercise before you go any further.

I need to fly someone in and have them show me how to lay track

I don't fly, but here's a possbility. Create a one board route, perhaps called "testbed", decide what track you want to lay, and try it on that route. When the track doesn't meet your expectations, put your expectations in words, post the board on the web, linked to from a message on one of these forums, say what it is you don't like, and ask what you need to do to get the results you want. Someone with more "whiskers" (an old-time U.S. colloquial term for a person who had a lot of experience on the railroad) can download the route, and show you what to do to get the results you desire.

Hi Ted,

By becoming a Trainz member you just got yourself 200.000+ buddies around the globe!

Some are new to Trainz, some are more experienced, learn from them in these Forums. We are all Trainz enthousiasts just like you and are willing to help you where we can. Don't hesitate to ask any questions.

Read the Forums, you can learn a lot from the questions and answers from others. You are not the only one learning. We all had our problems...

Enjoy Trainz! :)

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I took advantage of xmas to update my 2006 ver 2773 to 3099 and I had errors before, but theyre nothing compared to my problems now!!! Is there a specific problem with my version..its not too late for me to start again with a new cd, or is there another update after this?
Heres hoping
I took advantage of xmas to update my 2006 ver 2773 to 3099 and I had errors before, but theyre nothing compared to my problems now!!! Is there a specific problem with my version..its not too late for me to start again with a new cd, or is there another update after this?
Heres hoping
Looks like you may have screwed up the installation of SP1. Did you follow all of the instructions?

Hey Paul, thanks for the reply.. the only thing I havent done is defrag and Im doing that now. There isnt a lot in the way of instructions as far as I can see Lance Jagos main post with the download for the other version says follow the instructions in the next post, and the next post is basically the upgrade for version 2773
Have searched forum properley and found instructions!! will start again and do it properly this time. d'oh! (Last time I followed a link from 2006 front page and didnt see all the extra threads)