Name Change

It's pretty simple.. TRS stands for "Trainz Railroad Simulator" and TS stands for "Trainz Simulator"

The use of the word "railroad" makes the product sound as if it's American only, where as it's a world wide product.
Also, highlighting that it's a simulator of trains, rather than a simulator of railroads, meshes better with the goal of discarding the 'model railway/railroad simulator' image, and embracing that it's a prototypical driving simulator.
Yeah, it's all down to marketing.

Several years ago, they were considering dropping the Trainz part of the name too, to steer away from the "model railway" image that Trainz had, but thankfully that didn't stay on the table for long.

Good thing too, because I think the "Trainz" label is a great marketing asset in it's own right, and both Microsoft and EA/Kuju would love to have such a distinctive brand name.

I think you missed a few:

TMRS 2001 (Trainz Model Railroad Simulator)
TC1 (Trainz Classics)


If you want to see (almost) all the versions of Trainz, this link may be of interest: Trainz Versions - soon to be renamed History of Trainz.

You can also read about it in the Trainz Community Newsletter which has just been released. it's a free download.
I started with the version V1.1 with the red cover (American engine) and that seems like a very long time ago now. Something else I noticed that was not mentioned here was any reference to "Pre-SP trainz". This was always at the bottom of the list on the DLS.

How things have changed :eek:

Bob, it's a shame you didn't download and read the Trainz Community Newsletter or visit the Trainz Resources Directory before posting and sending people to Charlie's old site. (See my post above)

The The definitive, complete history of Auran Trainz is not on Charlie's site as you say. His Brief History of ZTrainz only goes up to TRS 2006, but most of us know that there's been several additional releases since then. Also, many of the listings on Charlie's site lack descriptions or details.

Had you visited the TRD or read the newsletter, you would have learned that Charlie has allowed his Brief History of Trainz to become an open Trainz Community project which is now hosted on the TRD with all the missing titles and the ability for Community members to update each listing.

It's sad you sent people off to Charlie's old site, because they may well miss the ever expanding History of Trainz on the TRD. I know you meant well, but your post is a bit confusing.


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Also, highlighting that it's a simulator of trains, rather than a simulator of railroads, meshes better with the goal of discarding the 'model railway/railroad simulator' image, and embracing that it's a prototypical driving simulator.
Where have Auran stated this goal please?

I do hope it is not the goal as the flexibility that Trainz gives over the driving simulators is the chief reason I stick with the big T.
My understanding was that the initial concept of a Model Railway Simulator was dropped to corner a much wider market, which I think it did and did well.

The subtle change from TRS to TS is an interesting one and hopefully an official explanation will be offered by someone at Auran so that it can be added to the Histrory of Trainz.

Girls and Guys, if you think you can help with dates, version numbers, build numbers and service pack details on any version, please visit the History pages and ad add a comment. It's now a community project and your assistance however small, will be greatly appreciated.
Whats in a name!

The word train (good they spell it Trainz) can on rails (Railroads) horse drawn wagons in series, and snow skids. Yet to limit the title to railroads, which is the original theme, cannot really be fully correct today as people, road vehicles, ships, aircraft, and industries are also a part of the simulation. Maybe they should call it "Trainz World". One must remember the K.I.S.S. principle and use only what is needed.
It's pretty simple.. TRS stands for "Trainz Railroad Simulator" and TS stands for "Trainz Simulator"

The use of the word "railroad" makes the product sound as if it's American only, where as it's a world wide product.

In the UK it was called, "Trainz Railway Simulator" (as on banner below), which makes it sound non-American.

Ah ... (draws nostalgic sigh), I remember the days when we had Railway stations in the UK ..... who changed them to Train stations?

And why? They don't always have trains in them.
