N.Z. Johnsonville Line


Route Builder
I am presently working on a New Zealand route-build, which is a factual route, of the Wellington to Johnsonville line. This route-build is for Tr06 with SP1 installed, so will not work on any other versions of Trainz ( so I believe). Below is a pic of the Thorndon marshalling yard, looking North. I will be adding more pics as things progress
That looks really good mate; wish I had a cent for every time I went past there! :hehe:

Make sure Kaiwharawhara is realistic too - my ol' mate Bob McDavitt used to live in one of the railway houses up there and we'd go fishing down by the ferry wharf. That was, of course, last century! All you need now some are Ed and Ew locos to brighten the scene.

Are you doing it in 3' 6"?


Nice to see a NZ route being worked on, Trainz is very short on NZ content really. I'm an Aussie but I am quite a fan of NZ railways, hopefully this will be released.
I've done a NZ 30 foot X 3'6" guards van thats not released I did it for a guy who was making aNZ route that turned out to be payware, but I wont be releasing it as payware
Hi Nix, standard gauge. I have my own "route builders reasons" for this, so when you come to build that EW, remember SG. AD60200, can that gaurds van be pumped up to SG size ?
Cheers, Trev. :)
G'day Trev, yes there are some very good logical reasons for doing it that way. Not an issue. I'm looking forward to this route. Freeware? DLS?


Going like a well oiled sewing machine, this refurbished English Electric DM unit powers effortlessly up the 2.8% gradient out of Thorndon and heading toward the N0.1 tunnel of the Ngaio gorge. The Hutt road and Wellington city in the background. The DM units are a feature of this line and have plied it since 1938.
Good lad! :p

The units look brilliant but the engine sheds are the best. The old factories and warehouses along Thorndon look very real too. Nice job Trev.


This is my interpretation of the Silver Star as it leaves the Wellington yard, destination - Auckland. BTW the era of this route-build is around the 1960's, at a time before the Western foothills reclamation, so no motorway ( sorry ) and definitely no cake tin ( not sorry ).
The remainder of the build is going well. As the Wellington - Johnsonville line itself is not very long, approx 11.0km's, I have extended it up to the Tawa flats and included the old line ,with the Belmont viaduct and the present day NIMT which runs under Newlands. Both lines meet at Tawa.
This makes it more interesting, but of course, adds to the route-build time.
This view from the cockpit of Vulcan's Bell 412EP helicopter flying over Wellington City. The railway station is off to the right.
Over the city and o/s of Vulcan's helicopter. The railway station is now to the left. Capt. Bazza's ship, the Rangitira in dock ( the green one).
You've done a very acceptable and representative job of the ol' railway station; congratulations.

It might behove you to get in touch with David Drake and send him some photos of the old parliament buildings and the old wooden government buildings. If you catch him in a good mood he might come up with the goods! :hehe:

I still have my official notice of being laid off when the Silver Star dispute broke out in the late 70s. Never got to ride on it though. Incidentally standard loco operating procedure was to put double units back to back. When we were on PPA duties in the depot (Preparing and Putting Away) we hated it when locos came in facing the same way as if they were both going out later as singles we had to turn both of the darn things!

I'm looking forward to your Belmont viaduct. See if we can find some Baldwins and run the Wellington and Manawatu Railway!



I just saw the screenshots and I realized how much of the world there is out there that would be a great Trainz layout. I've decided that narrowgauging is one of the coolest things out there and I wonder where I could get some of those neat NZR trains out there that I saw (any K-class steamers, perchance?) and download them.
Sorry, Rlkitterman, but I don't know of any NZR steamers for Trainz, this route is S.G. not narrowgauge.
Here are some more screenshots of the Kaiwharawhara area ( pronounced
ky-forra-forra ) The first is looking over Kaiwharawhara and the point from above Sar street, Thorndon.
This view from above Kaiwharawhara point and looking West up the Ngaio gorge . The station is in the middle and at top left can be seen No.1 and No. 2 tunnels of the Johnsonville line, Ngaio gorge section.
Whoa, very nice. Loving the looks of the route.
Too bad its SP1 though...

Good work keep it up!:cool: :D

TCS Route Builder
Thanks for the comment , Titaniclover, perhaps you should get S.P.1. ?
This view looking out towards the harbour from the lower section of the Ngaio gorge. A Northbound unit emerges from tunnel No. 3. BTW , the route is still freeware, but now requires Sirgibby's "Nature 1" series textures, payware, it is not expensive and very worthwhile. I could no longer resist those beautiful N.Z. textures. Cheers. Trev.