My tutorial websites - downtime issue...


Tutorial Creator
Hi Trainzers,

I've just found out that both of my tutorial websites, including my forum, have been affected by a problem with my web host's database servers.

This does mean that both sites are effectively inaccessible at this point in time although I am working with my web hosting company to get the issue sorted out.

My apologies to anyone who has been affected by this unexpected downtime, as I was only notified within the last 5 minutes by the automated website testing tool I use.

I will update this thread once the problem sorts itself out.

I've now discovered that the issue is actually being caused by some scheduled maintenance on their database servers, so hopefully the sites will be available in the next hour or two.

Just to let users know both my tutorial sites are now back online and functioning. Apologies for any inconvenience that happened during the unexpected downtime.

No problem Ish - I know quite a few users refer to my websites so I like to notify users of any downtime whether expected or unexpected (like today).
