My Route I am working on


New member
Edit, I am re-doing the route(s)

acually it is a series of routes that I am working on as I learn how to make Trainz routes:

A USA 0001 01
A USA 0001 02
A USA 0001 03
A USA 0001 04
A USA 0001 05

A - is to put them at the top of the Route list,
USA - self explanitory
0001 - Route Name
01 - Version Number

Some of them have additional stuff after them as I make
"Surveyor Only Routes" ( to add to a route I am building ) :
2 E-W h15 - 2 Surveyor Squares in East - West Direction , Ground Height 15
2 N-S h15 - 2 Surveyor Squares in North - South Direction , Ground Height 15
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This should be in the Freeware, Payware, or Screenshots group. And, what's with all those "reserved" posts. They don't do a thing except clutter up your thread.

This should be in the Freeware, Payware, or Screenshots group. And, what's with all those "reserved" posts. They don't do a thing except clutter up your thread.


They are so when I add more photos they will all be together so they are easier to see.

And I looked for a Screenshots section before posting and I could not find one, and also I am looking for input -
where you save the photos and use ms-paint to add lines / marks to edit and re-post one of the photos to
suggest where I could add roads/streets , buildings , and industries thus this is the correct place for my thread.

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... reserved for future photos ...

( To keep my photos all together thus easy to see )

Stop bumping this thread with repeat posts. It's little more than spamming. If you don't have anything to post, don't post.

Despite what you say, this is not the correct place for your thread. Use the screenshots thread you can't find.
I don't see what's wrong about his route post being here, "This is the place to talk to other community members about using the Trainz software. Whether that be creating maps in Surveyor, preparing operating sessions in Driver or simply taking a loco and some rolling stock out for a leisurely spin, this is where you'll find like minded people to share those thoughts.", and I have seen others do the "reserved" thing too with little protest.

I will remind the OP that; according to the COC: "Posting of images, signature banners and avatars are subject to the Appropriate Content Guidelines and the following conditions:
  1. Screen shots posted to the Trainz Community Discussion Forums should be in .jpg format and not exceed a maximum resolution of 800 pixels wide x 600 pixels high*. Any screen shots that exceed this limit will be modified to links or removed from the post altogether.*The only exception to this is within the Screenshot forum. Screen shots posted to the Screenshot forum should be in .jpg format and not exceed a maximum resolution of 1600 pixels wide x 1200 pixels high, however, if your screen shot exceeds 800x600 you are required to include the maximum resolution used in the title of the thread."
Just a suggestion, as you solicited in your initial post: Take a little time to tell us things like:

1. What you are after with your route. That is, what will be in it that you love about railroads?

2. Whether you have a goal in mind or are adding on things that interest you as you discover them. This last is not meant as disparaging, and is, in my opinion, a perfectly valid way to indulge in a hobby. It is also realistic, as many US railroad systems grew in exactly that way.:D

3. Do you see this as a route that will grow over months or years, or is it one route of many that may be coming down the pike.

In other words, I think a lot of people would like to know a little about what is behind this, and then follow how it actually develops.

But, whatever you decide to do, congratulations on having the courage to post your ideas for all to see.
