My route building Basemapz elevation routine


Well-known member
Before using the Basemapz for Google Earth,
I put thumbtacks down with the elevation measurements across the upcoming area and then save the image in Basemapsz. After setting the Basemapz in place over my route, I adjust the elevations in Surveyor, and smooth them out before laying out the railroad tracks and any roadwork in the areas.
The one good thing about it, is that it's free and I like the results.
I've done something similar using topographic maps in TransDEM. While working on the NY & Greenwood Lake project, I ran into a couple of places where humans ruined the terrain. Down at Pompton Jct., Tilton Sand and Gravel took a chunk out of Federal Hill and so did I-287,which also took out a huge chunk of the hill when the highway was placed against the hill. Further up in Monksville, the 1928-1930 dam wiped out the ROW of the NY&GL and flooded the valley.

I was lucky. The 1933 and 1942 topo-maps still showed the hills and the ROW where the dam is located today. Since I'm using TransDem, I imported the current terrain in. This is all well and good, except the dam now showed everything at 440 meters at that location, and Federal Hill looked like a marshmallow egg with a chunk taken out of it.

Using the measurements on the imported topographic map, I was able to carve out the river valley and using splines like bandages, I stitched the hole closed on Federal Hill and smoothed out the side where I-287 flattened down the side.

While this process sounds complex, it really isn't. The process is very time consuming and now the only work I need to do now is smooth out the valley and remove the bumps and sharp edges.
Wow, that's quite a project. It's a rewarding feeling when getting an area done before moving on to the next baseboard.
The route is far from even near completion. As I work on it, I come to places where the track is completely untraceable today thanks to development while in other places, the ROW is visible but has been replaced by roads.
The route is far from even near completion. As I work on it, I come to places where the track is completely untraceable today thanks to development while in other places, the ROW is visible but has been replaced by roads.
Can you find the tracks on old maps ?
Can you find the tracks on old maps ?
Yes, if you go to the historical topo maps.

Go here:
Zoom in and change the date range.
You can then select the maps you want to download.

It's a bit more complex than that but this is the gist of it. The maps do vary though between 7.5 x 7.5 and other sizes. 7.5 x 7.5 1:240000 is the most accurate.